Chapter 12

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Recap: "We will send out a message to both the Morgan and the Grey packs, we'll ask them if they know anything about them. If she is there, we will know. We'll also have a search team look for her," My dad said before going to tell the pack what needs to be done.

I will find her.

Alex's P.O.V.

When I wake up it's dark outside. The pounding in my head has stopped. I try the door again hoping that they may have unlocked it. No such luck. Since I can open my eyes without being in pain I decide to look around. I was lying in a queen sized bed with black silk sheets. Beside that is a small table with a lamp. I turn the lamp on instead of the lights so they can't see that I'm up from the hall way. The room is big with only the bed, the night stand, and a dresser. I walk over to the dresser and open it. Empty. Beside it was a door, so I open it. It lends to a small bathroom. I open all the drawers, looking for something that could help me escape. Nothing, all the drawers were empty. As I'm walking out of the bathroom I heard footsteps coming my way. I quickly hurry back to the bed. I turn out the light and pretend to be asleep. There is a click and the door to my room opens. Light from the hallway floods in. I try to keep my breathing steadily. The footsteps head toward my bed and I can something being sat down. Then the footsteps and the light is gone. Another click can be heard letting me know there is no point in trying the door. I wait a few minutes before I move. On the night stand is a plate of pizza and a glass of what I assume is water. I pick up the plate and out falls a note.

Josh is looking for you.


Why would they tell me this? I know Josh would look for me. Maybe she was trying to be nice. I grab the pizza and start eating. After I finished I noticed there is also a book. It's a copy of Paper Towns. I've already read it once but since there isn't much to do I'll read it again. I get two chapters in when I hear footsteps again, this time there are two of them. One it the same pair from early and the others louder and heavier. I quick put the book down, turn out the light and, pretend to be asleep. They stop on the other side of the door.

"She can't still be asleep and, even if she is we need to wake her up anyway," A male voice says. It sounds kinda familiar.

"Why? Can't she sleep a bit longer, she's been through enough today? Meeting Alpha Grey won't be good for her right now. She could go into shock," Another voice says, I recognize it as Eve's.

"He wants to meet her tonight. Something about seeing if she is really worth all the trouble Josh is going through to find her. You know we can't disobey him." There is a click and the door swings up. Light floods the room, I groan and stretch pretending to be just waking up. I rub my eyes before looking over them. The guy is Eric, he's a doctor down at the hospital. He's a couple years older than me. I work under him, that's why I knew his voice. Suddenly it made sense all those cases he worked on by himself, it was because they were part of his pack.

"What's going on?" I ask trying to sound like I didn't already know. At the sound of my voice they both look at me.

"Alex?" Eric asks, looking extremely confused.

"You two know each other?" Eve look just a confused as Eric. I nod.

"We work together, I work under him. What's he doing here?" I'm sitting up now so I can face both of them.

"I'm here because this is my pack." He then looks at Eve. "You didn't tell me it was Alex Snow. This is going to be bad."

"Why will it be bad?" Eve and I ask at the same time.

"I'm not the only werewolf at the hospital. The others belong to different packs but they all really like her. They will come for her. So now not only do we have the Morgan and the Cypress pack we also have the Black, the Lector, and the Dark-Wood pack coming after us. We won't survive," He explains. It seems like Eve understands but I don't. I know there are other packs but, the only ones in Freya are the Morgan, the Grey, and the Cypress. I haven't heard any more here. My confusion must have shown on my face because Eric starts explaining it to me. According to him very rarely does more than one pack live in the same town. In this case the Morgan, the Cypress, and the Grey were all one pack. The alpha's wife had a set of triplet girls. The problem came up of who the alpha was going was be. Now there is nothing wrong with having a female alpha so that wasn't the problem it was which when deserved it. After a long fight the packs split up into three different packs. The Morgan is the original pack and was won by the youngest sister. Then the Cypress which were the middle sister's pack and the Reid pack belong to the eldest, it is now known as the Grey pack. During the fight for Alpha other small packs came and claimed land left unguarded. By the time they noticed it was too late to do anything.

"Wow," was all I could say. Eric nodded in agreement. There was a loud knock at the door. Before it was opened and Dan came in.

"Why haven't you brought her yet? The Alpha isn't a patient man." He said leaning against the wall. Eve nodded, before standing up and offering me her hand. It's time to meet the Alpha. They lend me down several hallways before we stopped in front of a huge mahogany door. Eve knocked twice.

"Come in," came from behind the door, sounding cold and emotionless. They pushed the doors open which took some effort then in we went, and I wasn't sure if I'd be leaving alive.

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