Chapter 8

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My uterus is trying to kill me. Yup that's right like my day couldn't get any better. I was in the bathroom in Delilah's house after begging her to hide me. Frank had to work late today and wouldn't be finished until 12 a.m. so he was going to stay at Colt's. I had driven straight here and barged in. Delilah had been laying on the couch with a carton of Ben and Jerry's ice cream resting on her stomach. She had started to scream at me but stopped once she saw I had been crying. I told her I would explain everything to her after I got cleaned up. That brings us to the present. Me, standing in front of the mirror, wondering if my life could get any worse. I had over reacted, ran out on my parents and brother, stole Josh's car, and now, I find out I'm on my period. To make matters worse, I'm falling in love with a fairy tale character. Though I do believe werewolves come from horror movies not fairy tales. Yay! I'm falling in love with a monster. After I finish with my inner thoughts I get ready to face Delilah. I open the door slowly, quietly praying she fell asleep but she didn't. Wonderful. She is sitting on the couch watching Teen Wolf when I walk in. I laugh silently at the irony of the situation. She turns to face me and the irony is gone.

How am I supposed to tell her werewolves exist? Not to mention that I'm falling in love with one. I take a seat on the couch and pray for help. Before I can speak, she does.

"Your parents called. They said you ran out of the house after admitting to thinking about Josh. They are all worried about you. I told them you had texted me saying you were fine so they won't worry. Why did you run?"

"I freaked out! He was sitting right beside me," I say. I know that that isn't the truth. Delilah knows me better than anyone and she knows too. And just like I expected, she calls me on it.

"No, that maybe be part of the truth but it isn't all of it. What happened? I've haven't seen you since you two started talking and when I do hear from you again, you ask me to hide you. No explanation, no nothing. Not to mention you were in the hospital for a week because of a 'hiking' accident. You don't hike! You're a lazy bum who steals food from me. What is going on?" she says it all without taking a breath. Tears are streaming down her face and she is right. I don't hike, I have been ignoring her. I need to tell someone and no one is a better candidate than her. I take a deep breath and start.

I tell her everything from the moment I meet Josh to now and everything in between. Like how when I first meet Josh I was oddly attracted to him even if he was a big jerk. How I slowly came to like him and eventually start to fall for him. All the time we spent at his mom's cafe. And then I apologize for ignore her, for not calling her as soon as woke up. For everything. I don't know if she believes me or not because by the end of the tale it is late and she tells me she needs time to think on it. I understand that, I saw it happen and I still didn't fully believe it. I borrow some of her clothes. A shirt with the hulk on it and green yoga shorts. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and bid her goodnight. I shut door and head to bed. I stay awake for a while, thoughts running through my head like never before. The biggest one of all: How am I going to face my parents, Oliver and, maybe even, Josh tomorrow? I'm confused but I won't let that stop me. Josh owes me an explanation and I plan on getting one. Maybe then things will make sense.

*****Next morning*******

The sun is just rising when I get up. I crawl out of bed. Groaning slightly as I do so. I know there is no point in trying to go back to sleep. The bedroom I stay in has a bathroom right beside it but there is a door in my room as well that leads to it. I gather up the clothes Delilah had given me last night which consist of black lace shorts and a denim button up shirt. I take a long shower before dressing. The sun has risen quite a bit since I woke up and that means Delilah will be up soon. So I start making chocolate chip pancakes. While I was waiting for the pan to heat up I text my mom letting her know I was okay. She was thrilled to here from me. She apologized repeatedly for pressuring me into admitting that. I told her it was fine, that I was find and asked if she could relay the message. She agreed too. After saying bye she hung up. The pan was hot enough and soon enough there was a stack of pancakes ready. Delilah stumbled out of her room and sat at the table. We ate in silence. She finally spoke up as I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

"I believe you. I don't know why, but I do. It's crazy and confusing but most things in life are."

I broke in to a smile and hug her. As we pulled away from each other, I spoke.

"Thank you for believing me. It is confusing but I don't want to deal with that today. Let's spend it watching cheesy movies and laughing at how bad the acting is?"

She agreed but went to take a shower first while I went out and pick up the movies and food. That is how we spent the day. Frank came home a joined us for a little while before he went to get more sleep.

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