The Fondant Lollipop

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Sectionals is in 2 weeks in downtown Cincinati. All the practice we've been doing is starting to pay off. Even though switching places with Rachel wasn't the easiest idea, it's benefiting for the better of us.

"So this is the Lima Bean, huh?" I asked looking at Santana. "Yeah! It is so good, well besides breadsticks but this place is my go-to coffee place." Finn explained. Mike as well as Finn held the double doors open as me and Santana walked inside. After smiling to them as a thanks, I looked around. The place was full of people. It had a mixture smell of expresso shots and old people. "Why don't you two sit down and we'll handle the drinks." Mike asked to me and Finn. "Santana remember I'm-" "Yeah yeah I know what you're allergic to. Sit down before your boobs sag out of your bra." I crossed my arms over my chest and sat down.

"Relax, she is just pissed." Finn smirked at my arms. "Why?" I asked slowly lowering my arms down to my lap. "Maybe because Rachel mixed up hers and Santanas extensions up when they took them out for practice today?" "Oh yeah, oops." I held my teeth together. "My hair doesn't even match hers. I bet she did it on purpose." Santana set a cup in front of me with a icing lollipop. I smelled it to make sure it wasn't fondant before taking a small chunk off. "Man practice today is gonna kick my ass." Finn groaned shifting in his seat.

I began to eat more of my lollipop as they chatted on. It was really good. Holy shit. There must be drugs in this! This is even better then Aunt Julia's pudding!

I wiped my mouth once I was done with the lollipop and sipped my coffee. "So when do we get our outfits for sectionals?" I asked. "I think next week. Better not buy another one of those lollipops before you don't even fit in your dress." Santana raised an eyebrow. "Why did I never find out about this place?! It's so...good!" I explained giving a bunch of hand gestures. Finn laughed. "Welcome to Lima Camila." He smiled.


I set my bags down on the auditorium stage and stretched. "After all that coffee we had, it took me forever to leave. " I yawned. "Let me guess, you tried the Lima Bean during lunch?" Rachel laughed. "Oh yeah." I nodded. "When I first went, I had 4 cups and didn't sleep for like 5 days because I was so hyper." Rachel grinned as we stretched our legs. As Mr. Schester filed papers, I felt my chest sink a bit. I shuffled my shoulders around and stretched my neck, trying to ignore it.

"Alright kids. Today we are just gonna practice the ending part. We'll do full outs all next week." Everyone groaned as Mr. Schester sat down at the observing table. We all got in position and began to sing. When me and Tina swapped spots, my voice cracked really hard, causing everyone to stop. I felt myself turn red. "Sorry." I mummbled as we reset. As we continued, I felt myself get out of breathe. "Woah, Camila you look very red. Are you okay?" Blaine whispered. I nodded and shrugged as he spun me around. Towards the ending, I felt my breathing suddenly stop. I felt my hand grasped my chest. "What's wrong?" Angie asked me. "I can't breathe." I panted. "Just relax you're just out of breathe from practice." Brittany looked to me. I became wobbly and fell backwards off the risers. Everyone came rushing around. "I ca-nt BREATHE." I gasped for air.

I feel like I'm dying. I don't know what's happening. Mr. Schuester ran over and fell onto his knees. "Are you choking?" He panicked tilting my head some. I shook my head as I grabbed onto the floor and scraped it with my nails.

Then I realized it, I was having an allergic reaction.

"My backpack, side pocket." I managed to get out. I felt tears stream down my chest and my chest twist in knots. I grabbed the nearest hand I could to help bring my tension down. I couldn't see who's it was because of my blurry vision and my cheeks being swelled.

I heard someone's shoes clicking over to us in a hurry. "Ok relax your thigh." Mr. Schuester told me. I let go of my leg feeling and soon felt the sharp sting of my insulin pen dig into my vein. I began to feel a relief of my chest as it began to damper down. "Can you take her to the nurses office while I call her Aunt?" I heard Mr. Schuester ask the person I had interlocked hands with. At this point, there was no point of opening my eyes because I couldn't see.

I felt arms wrap under my knee and back and pick me up. "Hold on." They whispered. I lifted my arms around their neck and immediately knew who had me.....Finn.

I then woke up. I knew I'd fall asleep because of the insulin. My chest felt so empty as my breathes soared in and out normally. I opened my eyes and looked over my cheeks that were still a bit swollen. Mr. Schuester looked up from his phone and smiled to me. "Hey kiddo." "Hey." I smiled sitting up a bit. "How are you feeling?" He asked putting his phone away. "Better, just a little achy from my fall." I chuckled a bit. "Well I'm glad you're ok. Your Aunt is on her way here, but Finn really has been wanting to see you." Mr. Schuester got up. He walked over to me and hugged me, and I hugged him back. "Thank you Mr. Schuester." I spoke into his shoulder. He softly patted my back and walked out.

It surprised me that Finn wanted to see me. We lost touch a bit in the last few weeks because of practice. I've really wanted to spend more time with him lately, but I don't want him to think I want it to turn into something else.

A knock came from the door. "Come in." I answered to it. Finn walked in with his hands back in his pockets. "Hi." He greeted, wiping a smile onto his face. "Hi Finn." I greeted back. I started to get up, but felt a little wobbily. He walked a bit faster to catch up with me. Finn helped me up more before hugging me. "You scared all of us, Camila." His chest rumbled in my face. I let go and sat back down. "It was hell." I sighed feeling my cheeks. "You look like a chipmunk." He grinned with his teeth. I rolled my eyes and laughed with my mouth closed. "Yeah well the swelling won't go down for a while." I shrugged taking a satisfying deep breathe in.

"Hey, your Aunt is here." Angie popped her head in. I used the pillows to help myself up. Finn folded my arm around his as he helped me out and down the hall. "When now I know never to get you a fondant lollipop for the Lima Bean when me and Sam go get drinks on the day of sectionals." Finn looked at me. "I hope Santana is ok, I'll have to text Quinn to have her relay a message that I'm not upset or mad." I thought out loud as we walked down the steps of the building. He opened the door for me as I got in. He shut the door and waved goodbye ands we drove off.

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