Busy Thoughts

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I quietly walked across the empty auditorium stage. I played with my fingers and listened to the drums beat. I looked over to them and imagined Finn sitting there, but it was only the band's drummer. I haven't seen him or talked to him since the Sunday after we played with the little girl. I've been busy with the celebration, I had no time to visit him or call. But it was okay, because tomorrow he is coming back to Mckinely and the celebration is gonna be kick ass.

Camila: There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play. There's a girl in the window tears rolling down her face. We're only lost children, trying to find a friend. Trying to find our way back home.

I stood in the middle and held my abdomen, closing my eyes and letting my emotions fly out of me.

Camila: We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you. We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right. These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away. We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like, two pieces of a broken heart.

I spent the next three months worth of my allowance on the jerseys and taking the football players to dinner. Aunt Julie wasnt very happy about it, but to me it was worth it. Tomorrow is going to be crazy and fun, but I hope it's enough for Finn to realize how much we've missed him.

Camila: Now I can lay my head down and fall asleep. Oh, but I don't have to fall asleep to see my dreams. 'Cause right there in front of me. There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play.

I looked down to the front of the stage and it felt like I was back in September. I saw me and Finn nervously talking to each other and trying to come up with anything to talk about. I watched myself turn as red as cherry when he agreed on things we both liked. Boy I was a mess that day.

Camila: We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you. We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right. These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away. We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like, two pieces of a broken heart.

The little imagination faded away and I was alone again. It has felt like I've been alone without Finn, even though I've been surrounded by love and friendship since the incident.

Camila: There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play

My phone began to ring out of my backpack. I walked over and pulled it out. Finnster was calling. I picked it up and held my breathe. "I promise I haven't been avoid you." I heard him sigh in relief. "It's so nice hearing your voice." He made me melt. I sat down on the edge of the stage and let my feet dangle down. "How does it feel to be home after almost a month of being in that hell hole?" I asked. As he explained it to me, I started to relax at the sound of his voice. I guess I became to relaxed because I forgot to start talking again. "Camileon?" He softly asked. "Sorry, I was doing something. But I was listening."

"Are you gonna explain why you haven't said anything to me in a week and four days?" "I have been working on school projects." I flat out stated. I mean, I wasn't lying to him. The celebration was a school project.... "I can't wait to come back, I miss everyone." "I bet you do. We all miss you." I smiled and looked at my feet. "I can't wait for you to play drums again." Finn chuckled. "You miss everything about me, don't you?" "Isn't it obvious?" I asked as the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and headed to the student council room. "Alright, well I have student council now. I'm sorry I'm cutting you off again." I groaned and walked in the hallway. "It's fine. I'll see you tomorrow." "Bye." I stopped in my tracks. I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

I hated not talking to Finn, but if I kept talking to him, my conversation would turn into ruining the celebration.

I walked into the student council room and it was filled with boxes. "Okay so did every student get their jerseys?" I asked while walking in. "Yeah, all one thousand, two hundred and fifty four shirts are gone. This is gonna be great." Matthew responded while cutting open a box. "God I hope this is enough for Finn." I bit my lip as I started to help him. "Don't say that Cam. You have spent so much money and time on this. You're doing an amazing job and more than any of us could." Blaine chimed in. We all started grabbing decorations and spread out across the school to start hanging them up. Angie stuck with me.

"I can't believe Nationals is coming up already." I stood on a ladder and taped up a banner. "This school year flew by too fast." Angie helped me down. We move on down and I got back on the ladder. "I'm sad Finn can't compete. It's not gonna be the same." I shrugged and started taping the next one up. "God I wish you guys would get together already." She rolled her eyes and smiled. "You're not the only one." I got back down and started taping posters to the lockers with her.

"I think you should start making a move once Glee Camp starts." "How long is the camp anyways?" I flattened out a bent edge on one of the posters. "Six days, six days to make a move that is." "Well those six days will be dedicated to having fun." I corrected her. "With Finn." She mummbled. My mouth dropped and I turned around to her. She began cracking up and I hit her in the shoulder. "Angelica Huggins!" I exclaimed. "What! I bet you've thought the same thing!" She turned around, shook her head, and shrugged.

"Oh, but you're not wrong." I grinned to myself.

Opposites | Finn HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now