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As I turned on the Keurig, a very loud 'thud' came from upstairs, causing me to drop the mug in my hand and glass to shatter everywhere. "Shit!" I yelled. I looked up to see if the ceiling was cracked before hopping over the glass and running upstairs. I busted through the guest room door and heard groaning, followed by something dropping into water. I quickly walked to the doorway of the bathroom and saw Finn hunched over the toilet, puking his brains out. He looked at me with watery eyes and a pale face before turning back to the toilet and throwing up more of the snacks Rachel laid out last night.

I frowned as I covered my nose. I pulled a wash rag down from the rack and soaked it with cold water. I placed it on the back of Finn's neck before grabbing a match from the mirror cabnit and lighting the candle on the sink. I began to rub his back and press down on the rag, letting water seep down his back to cool him off. I handed him a tissue and he grabbed it to wipe his mouth. "C'mon, let's go get you some Tylenol." I softly touched his hair. I helped him up and shut the light off before walking out and downstairs.

Finn slouched into the bar stool as I slid him a few Tylenol and a cup of coffee. "As much as I probably should be caring about if you're okay, I must ask. What was the loud thud that made me drop my Kings Island mug?" I asked in a low tone, putting on rubber gloves and sweeping up the glass shards. "I got up to go and get aspirin out of my bag, and I felt the urge to puke so I darted off, and managed to trip over my feet and crash onto the floor." He explained in a groggy morning voice. Finn placed the Tylenol on his tongue and began to take small sips of his coffee. "I am never doing this shit again." He mummbled. "At least you know now that you can never be an alcoholic." I shrugged dumping the shards into the trashcan. "How do you know how to take care of someone until they aren't hungover?" Finn asked. "Remember my mother?" I asked, opening the cupboard and pulling out two bowls. "Yeah, and how she was an alcoholic drug mixer."

"Well when she drank on a school night, I got up extra early in the morning." I began grabbing a bunch of fruit and placing it in a strainer. I placed the strainer under the faucet and began to clean the fruit. "I'd brew her a large cup of black coffee, bring her the bottle of Tylenol stashed in the back of the cabnet, and take it to her room. Usually I'd have to hold her hair back and she'd take all of her stuff in the bathroom. Then once she was sobered up some, she'd take me to school." I took the fruit out and began to cut it up on a board in front of Finn. "For long did you do that?" He asked. "Um... well I started at age 8 then I stopped once she was arrested. So for a while." I began to distribute the fruit into the bowls before handing him one with a fork.

"Too young. Sorry all that happened." Finn looked at me with a worried face washed over his. "No need to be. At least I know, or else you'd be sitting here asking me for a hammer." I kind of laughed. I munched on a grape and looked at my phone, scrolling through the multiple photos taken last night by everyone. I then came across one of Rachel and Finn cuddling. I looked up under my eyelashes at Finn who was continuing to eat. "Does Rachel get upset when we hang out or talk?" I heard myself say. "Oh yeah, all the time. She's asked me multiple to crank our notch from 'best friends' to 'kind of friends'" He nodded his head.

"Yeah well I can't help I actually found someone I can be personal with." I rolled my eyes, stacking our empty bowls together and putting them into the sink. "What about Angie? Or the other glee members" Finn looked at me like I'd said something foreign. "I mean I'm personal with them, but I've told you more. You make me comfortable." I shrugged, pulling my jacket up some to hide my red chest. He fell silent and so did I. I was scared to turn around and to see Finn wanting to run out of awkwardness, but once I did, he actually was smiling. I felt myself smile too.

"I'm not ready for thanksgiving break to be over." Finn broke the silence. "Me either, but it brings us closer to christmas." I shook my shoulders. A knock then proceeded from the door, causing my heart to skip a beat. I looked at Finn whose eyes had widened. "I'll get that." I jogged that the door. I opened it and was met with Rachel. I immediately slammed the door shut and faced Finn. "It's Rachel." I whisper-yelled. "Fuck." He mummbled. Rachel began pounding on the door. Finn got off the stool and grabbed the wall clock off the wall and smashed it on the side of the counter, causing the pieces to fall onto the counter. I quickly opened the door and smiled. "Thanks for almost breaking my nose." She groaned. "Sorry, my dog is running around." I lied. "I didn't know you had a dog?" Rachel cocked her head.

"I just got it. How may I help you?" I quickly stated. Rachel stormed past me and walked over to Finn. "I knew it, you've been cheating on me." I heard her say. "We aren't dating Rachel! I came over to fix her clock! The dog knocked it off the wall!" Finn argued. "Rachel I'd never do that to you. And I know damn well Finn loves you very much and he'd never do that either. He is just about to leave anyways, my clock isn't in repairable shape." I glared at Finn once Rachel turned back around. "Why is he in his pajams then?" Rachel got closer to me, testing me with a pissed expression. "I dont know, maybe because it's 7 in the morning and Finn is used to getting up at 1 on school days off?" I snapped. "You better not be lying to me." Rachel growled at me. "I'm not Rachel, look I'll go get his tool bag from upstairs and you guys can go and spend time together." I began up my steps. "What's his tool bag doing upstairs?" She crossed her arms. "The clock came from upstairs." Finn replied.

I ran into the guest bedroom and grabbed his bag, throwing everything into it. Once I knew I grabbed everything, I ran it downstairs to Finn. "Alright, let's go." Finn walked out the door. Rachel followed behind, slamming the door behind her. I sighed and went over to lock the doors. "Thanks Finn." I said to myself looking at the shattered clock. I rolled my eyes once again and went upstairs to my room. I smelled the candle in the guest room and remembered I haven't put it out.

I walked into the guest bathroom and blew out the candle, then placing the glass lid on top of it. When I turned to leave, I noticed something under the bed. I turned the light on and got down, pulling the unknown thing out from under it. I got up and unfolded it. It was Finn's football sweatpants, reading 'WMHS Football' down the leg. I took a deep breathe in and took the pants to my room. I folded the sweatpants up and placed them neatly in my drawer, closing them slowly and laying down on my bed.

I know he wears these to condition in for the sports he plays, but he has a million other pairs. Me keeping these won't be the end of the world, right?

Opposites | Finn HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now