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The dance was tonight, and I still had no date. Of course, asking Finn should be my first priority. I'm too scared and plus I want figure out what I am wanting out of these feelings I have. Finn was building a reputation with the McKinley ladies all week. They'd swoon every time he'd do the really cheesy cool guy point at them. I think one girl even fainted from heat exhausted he turned her on that much.

I had ten dollars left from what money Aunt Julie thankfully gave me, and two of it was for Finn. Me and Mercedes stood in the lunch line, discussing the night that laid before us. "I'm so excited. The dress I picked out from the ones you guys got from the donaters is so beautiful." She grinned, asking then for more tater tots to be put on her plate as usual. "I'm excited too. I honestly can't wait to see all the hard work the student council and I put into it come together." We made it to the check out register and Mercedes typed in her pin. "I'm sorry Ms. Jones, you don't have enough money in your account for your extra tots."

"Oh hold on, I have money on my wallet." She held up her finger. She pulled it out and opened it. "Shit." She mummbled. I leaned over and saw she only had a few pennies in it. "I'll just have to pay it back later." Mercedes looked at the lady. "I'll can't do that." She replied bad coldy. As the lunch lady began to take her tray away, I stopped her hand. "I've got it." I told her. I reached into my wallet and pulled out two dollars and handed it to the lady. I felt my chest tighten up. "Just put the change in her account." I entered my pin in and went off with Mercedes to sit. "Thanks girl. I know you've always got my back." She smiled to me.

Later on, I sat in science with Angie. The teacher then pulled out a receipt book. "Alright, get out your lab fee. I'm coming around to pick it up." I slammed my hands on the table and felt the twisting in my chest come back. "Mrs. Marley I thought those were due next Friday?" I asked her a tad bit loudly. "Nope, I meant today." I groaned and pulled back out my wallet. I took out five dollars and handed to her, getting my receipt back. "Relax Camila, you'll get the kiss. You have three dollars left." Angie put her hand on my knee and rubbed it quickly.

I tapped my pencil vigorously until the bell rang. I grabbed my backpack and bolted past everyone. "YOU GO GET THAT SMOOCH GIRL!" Angie yelled behind me, behind the crowd of students filing out. I slowed down and took the ribbon out of my pocket I got from the art room. I wrapped it around the three dollar bills and tied it in a bow. I then reapplied my red lipstick and put a kiss on top of the pile. I smiled to myself and turned the corner to the main hall. This was it. I was about to be kissed by the quaterback. My knight in shining armor, my-

I dropped the money out of my hand as I looked at the booth, well, what was left of it.

Finn and Mike were taking it down, the signs were gone and he had just put the money box in his bag. I was too late. I looked at him and he looked at me. He smiled and waved as I gave a crooked smile. I felt my heart shatter. I just blew it. I looked down at the money and walked on top of it, angerly and dissapointingly walking away. "Hey we've got a problem." Blaine turned me around. "What?" I asked. "The decoration people dropped everything off but didnt put it up. I guess they didn't receive the full message." We began to walk quickly. I stopped at my locker and grabbed my things. "We have to go. The ball is in five hours!" I panicked, running down the hall with Blaine.


I sat on the floor of the ball room. Tables filled with plates and seat scattered the room and the flowers were in a process of being putting together by the art department. I was wrapping silverware in napkins and sealing them with a gold piece of tape. I'd put them in a basket for someone to come get and they'd go and put them on tables. Every once in a while, the art department would ask me about the flowers or the seats and I'd have to help them position it, only to then go and sit back down in the middle of the dance floor and start back again on the silverware.

I told everyone else I'd handle it, but truth be told, I didn't know what I was doing.

I guess I lost track of time, because the band showed up, telling me that students were already outside waiting for the doors to open. I picked up the box of silverware and started putting them at places. Students began to pour into the ball room as I finished the last table. I look at how beautiful everyone was, then looking down at myself. I still had on my blue jeans and one of the Glamour Ball shirts the student council had made only for us since we are the ones who created the ball.. I sighed, looking at my nails I had gotten done at the salon and remembering I left my dress in the choir room. I smiled at everyone coming in, taking their ticket as they went by. They all looked like they were at the Oscars. Their dresses sparkled and tuxes fit perfectly. Once Matthew arrived, he toke over and I headed to the back storage room. I sat down on a cushion that was on a stool and leaned against the wall. The one day I was looking forward to was completely ruined.

And I didn't even get a kiss.

Opposites | Finn HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now