Sue's Revenge

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I slowly brushed my ponytail, getting so tired I just let the brush slide through

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I slowly brushed my ponytail, getting so tired I just let the brush slide through. I yawned and stretched looking at the time. The dress had tired my back out, and it was only the first day out of the five I had to wear it. I held my legs to my chest, letting my cheek rest onto my knees, taking in the warmth of Finn's sweatpants. He hadn't asked for them, nor noticed he didn't even have them.

My phone then rang. I picked it up from beside me on the floor. It was an unknown number, but it had the same area code as me. I let it go to voice mail, knowing if it was important, they'd call back. And to my suprise, they did. I answered it and bit my lip, dragging the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked, a confused tone followed with it. "Hey Camila!" It was Becky. "Hey Becky! How did you exactly get my number?" I asked, drawing my chin inward some. "I got it from your files. Anyways I was wondering if you'd come to the school and play some games with me." I widely opened my eyes and looked at the time. "Becky it's almost 11! What are you still doing at the school?!"

She struggled to find an answer, but then responded with, "Coach Sylvester let's me play here after hours. Are you coming or not Rapunzel?" She snapped. "Becky I don't know.." I sighed, holding my forehead. I then began to hear her sniffle, followed with a quiet outburst of a sob. "Oh Becky! Don't cry! I'm coming, just wait." I panicked. I ended the call and put on my slippers. Julie wass pulling an overnighter, so I'd have to walk.

It took long, but not too long. It was about 11:30ish when I reached the school. I shivered as I regretted not grabbing a jacket and went into the school. Becky greeted me in the doorway. "I'm glad someone came! Everyone is being an ass and hanging up!" She rolled her eyes, beginning to walk down the hall. "Maybe because they're all asleep... anyways, what do you want to play?" I asked, following her into the choir room. She grabbed a blindfold and held it. "It's a surprise game, you just wait." She smiled wryly. "Becky we have school tomorrow." I groaned. "Pipe it!" She snapped once again. She tied the blindfold before holding my hand and taking me to somewhere mysterious.

Once we reached the place, she gave me a shove. I fell into a chair and took off the blindfold. I didn't know what room we were in, but it was kind of dark. "Becky!" I shouted. "Sorry! I'm kind of short, I have to push people around." She handed me a roll of duct tape and held her a roll. She sat in a other chair across from me, only one yellow light above us. "Whoever can tape their selves fastest to the chair gets 100$" She delcared. I shrugged, knowing I wasn't gonna be able to get home until later. "Becky this doesnt sound right..." I looked at the tape. "Fine, 200$ and dinner at breadsticks." She rolled her eyes. "You're on." I smiled.

Becky didn't have many friends to talk to, except me and Sue and the glee club. So this shouldn't hurt. I could do this, collect my prize, and go home.

We then counted to three before going ham. I began to duct tape everything I could, my legs and abdomen. I didn't even bother looking up until my tape was gone. I patted the end which laid on my knee tightly. "I win!" I almost yelled, then looking up. I felt my stomach sink and my smile drop. Becky hadn't used one piece. She quickly got up and grabbed my arm. I had fallen for a trap.

Becky was surprisingly strong as she steadied my wrists under her arms and used the whole roll to tie them. "BECKY!" I screamed. I felt her tiny hand smack a piece of tape over my mouth. I looked down at the label. It was gorilla tape. "Sorry, Sue told me to get back at you for quitting." Becky said, followed with a fake evil laugh.


As much as I struggled, it wouldn't work. I shook the chair as much as I could, until Becky put a globe under it so I couldn't move it. "I'm hungry." Becky groaned, feeling bored with what she had done.I finally nudged the tape off with my tongue and let it drop to my lap. I quietly thought to myself of how I could outsmart Becky Jackson. I couldn't scream like in the movies because I knew no one was there. I then thought of something perfect.

"There is a pizza delivery guy on my phone named Finnster. If you call him, he'll give it to you for free." I closed my eyes and prayed she'd fall for it. I heard my phone ring and let go of the breathe I was holding when I heard the Finn on the other end. "I want a pizza with sausage and cheese stat!" She yelled into the phone. "FINN!" I yelled as loud as I could. "Camila?" I heard heard him say. "FINN GET TO THE SCHOOL BECK-" And the next thing I knew, a sting of a slap of tape was met with my mouth. "Becky why do you have her phone?" Finn asked. "Look can I have my pizzas." Becky stomped her foot. "First tell me why Camila is yelling in the backround." "Ugh fine. I have her at the school taped up. Give me my pizzas now!" She demanded.

I heard a slight pause, before he spoke again. "Alright, two sausage and cheese pizzas are on your way." He said before hanging up. Becky turned my phone off and stuck it in a filing cabinet before walking to the door. "I'm gonna go wait on my pizza, if you move I'll cut your hair skank!" She pointed her finger at me. She clicked the light off and shut the door, leaving me in the complete darkness. I began to lick at the tape again, but this time it wouldn't come off. I tried once again to pull myself out, but the tape wouldn't budge either.

I closed my eyes and tried not to get scared of the dark. All I can do now is pray Finn comes and gets me out of this strange and scary situation.

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