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I didn't know where I was going but it is away from Alfie. And honestly I don't even know why I was going he was just protecting me like any normal boyfriend. I'm stupid. But I don't want to go back. That would be even more stupid. I start running along the paths and find my way to the end of the trail. I snap a picture of the sign turn off my camera and run. I run along a road which says exit and follow the path which leads to a road. I walk along the thin pavement on the side of it and walk in the direction of the playground I looked at on the way to the nature park . Luckily it's empty I walk towards the swings dump my bag next to one and sit on the swing. I sit and listen to the birds and swaying trees. Why was I such an idiot. Why did I have to run. I'm so selfish. I pull out my phone and check my text messages.

7 missed calls
9 texts from Alf 💘


I check the text
A: Zoe I'm  sorry!
A:where are you?
A: are you okay
A: Zoe?
A:I'm scared and I miss you
A: please come back
A: I love you
A: I love you I love you i love you
Z: Alf im sorry I got scared and ran and I shouldn't have. I'm coming back i love you too x
A:oh my god your okay! Your okay!
Z: sorry I scared you :( x
I switch of my phone jump off the swing grab my bag and run onto the road I thought I came from and start walking.

5 minutes

10 minutes

I should be here now.

Now I really am lost.

What if I got captured

Or murdered


But before I can say the next i feel myself falling pain shoots through my body and everything's black.

Qotd: fave song?
Aotd: idk lmao
Vote and I will love you even more than I already do! X
-Zoestwinkle 💘

I will always love you~ zalfieWhere stories live. Discover now