Chapter 10>>Annie+Hayley's meet

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Caleb's POV

My mom wakes me up so I can eat breakfast, Annie and Hayley got me breakfast so I said thank you and hugged them and then I started eating my bagel and eggs with cheese.

I texted Destiny

Hey babe you up:)

Yeah what's up;)

I'm eating breakfast what time are you coming over??

Um after I get ready and eat, sooo about 6:50 probably.

Kk bye love you😘

Bye love you bby💕

I smile and continue to eat and when I get done a take a shower and I put clothes on.

I brush my teeth and then Destiny walks in looking beautiful as usual.

"Hey", I say and hug her.

She hugs back.
"Hey Caleb", she says.

She was wearing high waisted shorts and a pink tank top that had lace on it, and pink flip flops and her hair was curled a bit on the ends.

I whisper in her ear, "you look beautiful", she blushes and kisses my cheek.

We go on the little terris and she takes a photo of me kissing her cheek and one of her kissing my cheek.

I put the one as her kissing mine as my profile picture and she puts the one of me kissing her as hers.

We post them as well and I caption mine she's all mine😏

And she captions hers he's all mine💕

We just take a bunch of selfies and then dad said it was time to go.

We all head to the bus and I sit next to Brennan and Katie and Destiny sits on the other side of me with Hayley next to her.

Destiny's POV

We were headed to The coral girls first meet of the season.

Me and Caleb hold hands while riding.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a nervous looking Hayley,
"What's wrong Hay", I ask and pat her back.

"I'm just really nervous", she said and looks at me and weakly smiles.

"Hey! You will be AMADING out there", Caleb says joining in on the convo.

Hayley smiles and giggles at how he said amazing and she hugs him and he picks her up so she is sitting in his lap.

She gives me a high five and I hold Caleb's hand again.

We get there in about 10 minutes later and me and Caleb hop out and he wraps his arm around my waist and we walk with everyone.

When we get to the front of the place there are a few fans and Annie Hayley and Caleb and Flippin Katie people and Liv start to take pics and stuff.

One girl glared at me cause a girl wanted a picture with me and one with me and Caleb kissing but in the cheek.

I looked at her and smiled.

Kill people with kindness.

She walks up to me and just looks at me and Caleb back and forth we hug the other girl goodbye and then I say something.

"Do you wanna picture with Caleb Annie and Hayley?", I ask nicely, again kill people with kindness;)

"Yes but you stay out of the picture don't want anything ruining it.", she says and smirks

I glared and Caleb squeezed my hand which calmed me down.

She takes a picture with Annie and then Hayley then she asks Caleb to kiss her cheek, but he refused but I told him to to make his fan happy.

When he was close to her cheek she turned her head and kissed him. On the freaking lips.

Caleb pulled back and wiped his lips off.

She smirked and said goodbye but I wanted to fucking kick her ass.

I tried walking towards her but Brennan and Caleb pulled me back.

"Let me go!", I yelled at them trying to squirm out.

Brennan hugs me then he lightly pushes me into Caleb who I hugged so tight.

"I love you Destiny and only you", he whispered in my ear.

He kissed my forehead.
"I love you Caleb", I said and I let go of the hug.

None of the other kids or parents saw it but Annie and she gave me a hug.

"It's ok Caleb loves you not her she's a brat", she says and I laugh and hug her.

Caleb goes back to wrapping one arm around my waist and we walk in the venue for the meet.

All the coral girls get signed in and we all go find seats while they get their hair done and warm-up.

Me and Caleb just play candy crush and he got upset cause I was 10 levels ahead of him.

I just kissed his cheek and he blushed.

"Hey here Hayley comes", Katie says and We look to see Hayley walking over towards us with coach Mary.

She looks really excited.

"Hey Hay!", we all say and she giggles.

"Hey guys", she says.

"Oh I have to go bye", she says and takes Her warmup off and skips away.

I look at Caleb and he is smiling at her.

I lean up and kiss the corner of his mouth and he looks at me and pecks my lips.

"I love you so much", I say.

He pulls me closer to him and whispers to me "I love you so much more", I smile and cuddle up to him.

We watched Hayley and she was amazing as Caleb would say AMADING!!!

After she was done we watched Annie and the coral girls and they were great.

We all left to eat dinner, and we go to the board walk again.

I post a picture of me and Caleb when we were asleep on the bus and he was leaned back and I was laying on his lap while he had his arms wrapped around me and I captioned it naps with babeeee❤️

He likes it and commented you are a great cuddle buddy:)

We all head back to the hotel.
Its the week end aye aye! And it's snowing here so that's great anyways laterade;-))))

Bruises// Caleb Logan Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora