Chapter 22 --darkness--

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Destiny's POV

It's been 5 weeks since my mom left. I haven't been the same since.

I stopped eating, smiling, talking... Especially talking to Caleb.

It's killing me inside but I'm just to depressed to talk to him.

He's been hanging out with that Kylie girl a lot lately.

I was laying in Caleb's bed when he walked in with his head hung low.

"Can I um talk to you for a second Destiny", he asked.

"Of course..", I said with a blank expression as he sat beside me on the bed.

"Destiny, I miss you. I miss when we would always talk about random stuff and I miss how we would laugh together, smile together, I miss us..", he said looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Caleb I missed you too". I said melting into his arms as he hugged back tightly.

I kissed his cheek softly as he smiled and wiped my tears away and his own.

"Want to go for a walk?", he asked.

"I would love to", I smiled and grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together.

We walked downstairs and outside to see Annie and Hayley doing cartwheels and flips.

I smiled and we walked down the street. Hand in hand.

This is the happiest I've been in a while.

We were walking in the road when I heard tires screech and then everything went black and I couldn't feel Caleb's hand in mine anymore...

I know y'all are going to kill me for this but I wanted to make it more interesting so stay tuned to see what happens to Caleb and destiny:)

Love you guys❤️

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