Chapter 12

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Caleb's POV

I wake up to see none laying next to me and I rub my eyes and yawn.

I hop out of bed and walk around.

I look everywhere for destiny but I can't find her.

I call her phone but she's not the one that picked up...

"H-hello", I say nervously.

"We have destiny better not tell anyone or she gets it", a voice that sounded like an older man you know like my dad.

"Please don't hurt her, please give her back", I say but he laughs and it sounds like he is moving.

"Caleb?", I hear destiny's voice, by now I'm crying.

"Yes baby", I say and cry even more.

"I love you p-please help h-",she was cut off it went dead.

I screamed in frustration and ran to my mom and dad's room.

"What's wrong sweetie", my mom asks me.

"Someone took destiny", I say and fall to my knees.

"Oh no call the cops now", Mom says and I see Destiny's mom run over to me and hug me while crying.

Destiny's POV
{3 days later}

I've been in a dark room for 3 days with no blankets no bed and no food.

I'm hungry, dirty, sick, and scared.

I wish someone would find me.

The man comes in.

"I'm putting you with the rest you slut", he says and grabs me by my hair.

I cry and scream in pain but he just slaps me.

He brings me into a room with kennels you would find in a dog pound.

Everyone of them had girls in it.

I look at them scared and they do the same back.

He throws me into one and I land on my side and I quickly sit up.

"You don't try to get out cause it's not happening whore", he says and slams and locks the door.

I just sit with my knees to my chest and sob.

I hear a faint voice say "what's your name", I turn around to see three girls who looked my age.

"D-destiny", I say and shiver cause I was cold.

"I'm Jessica", the one with brown hair says

"I'm Bailey ", the one with blonde hair said.

"I'm Katie", the other one said.

"Are you ok", they ask.

"No not really", I say and cry.

"Come here", Katie says and I crawl over to her and sit next to her.

She hugs me and I hug back.

"So how old are you babe", she asks me.

"13", I say and look at her and smile.

"Same as all of us", she says and I sit up and smile.

I hope we all get out, soon.
Sorry for short chapter but here ya go!💕

Bruises// Caleb Logan Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt