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From that day on Luke and I met up every afternoon in the music room, when I got out of the library he was already there waiting for me, we got in and talked about anything or even played for each other. Every day at the same time he would either get a text or see his watch and his face would go plale, just like the firsf time, and he would run out of the room. I wondered what it was that made him so petrified but I never had the guts to ask him. He never really talked about himself, whenever we started talking about anything somehow personal he would change the subject, I decided not to push him since he clearly didn't wanna talk about himself.

Now two weeks later it was Tuesday and Lauren was telling me a story about how her little sister ate glitter so she could poop glitter but she got sick and had to be taken to the hospital, when I saw the blonde quiff moving towards us.

"Hey Hailey" Luke smiled, making Lauren stop talking immediately.

"Hi" Lauren cleared her throat loudly "right! Sorry, Luke this is Lauren, lauren this is Luke"

"Nice to meet you Lauren"

"Okay" she smiled nervously and I mentally face palmed, God she's so awkward with guys...but then again I'm even worse.

"Hey I was wondering if you guys would like to sit with us in lunch?"

"Sure, are you okay with that?" I turned to Lauren and she just nodded. A lot.

"Okay then" Luke chuckled "I'll meet you at your locker so I can take you there"

"Yeah okay, I'll see you later"

I turned around to put my things in my locker and Lauren just stood there looking at me with her mouth wide open.


" who was that"


"And you did not think to mention that all of a sudden you had an extremely hot friend? Hot guys have hot friends! How could you not tell me!" She yelled, making me laugh at the huge deal she was making out of this.

"It just didn't come up" I shrugged "i didn't think it was important"

"Not important? Have you seen his face?!"

"Calm down"

"How did you even meet him?"

"A few weeks ago I came out of the library and heard him playing guitar in the music room, about a week later I ran into him and we started talking and even played for each other and we've been talking every day since"

"You played for him? Woah you must really like him"

"No I don't" I scoffed, feeling myself blush"

"Yes you do you're blushing! Aw Hailey has a crush!"

"Shut up Lauren" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded and closed my locker. Luke started walking and my heart did backflips when I felt him reaching for my hand. I knew it was so I wouldn't get lost but it still made my heart race.

We entered the cafeteria with Lauren following closely behind us. Once we got there he led us to a table with 3 other guys sitting on it, they all turned to look at us as soon as we sat down.

"This is Michael, Ashton and Calum" Luke said pointing to each of them. Michael had bright red hair, an eyebrow piercing and green eyes. Ashton had dirty blonde messy hair and hazel eyes and Calum had Brown hair and Brown eyes. All of them were really atractive, but not as much as Luke.

"Guys this is Hailey and Lauren"

"Hi" I smiled

"Hey" Michael said, his eyes glued to Lauren and a smirk on his lips. She just smiled and looked down.

We spent the rest of lunch taking. The guys were really nice and funny, Lauren blushed whenever Michael talked to her or looked at her, I could tell they liked each other but I could also tell Lauren was extremely nervous even though she didn't need to be, she was gorgeous, any guy she wanted she could get.

Luke kept his hand on my knee the whole time and at random times he would gently squeeze it and smile down at me and fuck, his smile killed me.

This sucks I'm sorry .

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