= eight =

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to Flip Side! c:

So new semester started this week, and I'm already sort of dead x_x WHAP teacher decided that he needed to have us read half the new unit by next week in order to take the reading quiz... which amounts to about 50 pages. I'm already about 20 something through. Plus the essay I had to write today... HELP D:

On a more positive note, I finally have enough room on my phone for the Twitch app, and so I've been able to actually chat in the streams I watch. And there's two Just Dance streamers that I watch regularly: Avery and Manu. And not only did Avery recognize my username from Twitter a couple of days ago, but I actually think that I'm starting to befriend Manu... I was active in his past few streams, and he followed me on Twitter Saturday and we've gone back and forth a little bit since :o I'm fangirling, sue me. (The picture above is how the Twitter convos began... c:)

As far as this chapter goes, I know you're tired of hearing this, but yeah, I think it's still lacking. I wrote this during school hours and it hasn't been edited, and it's still shorter than I would prefer... I don't know what my deal is. I'm just not inspired at the moment (I literally can't even write well for Creative Writing right now! I've got a bad case of writer's block :/), so I'm sooooo sorry. I can't even promise better chapters in the future, because this writer's block on Flip Side has lasted multiple weeks at this point. I don't know how to fix it D:


Remember to follow code_cherry on Twitter, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy!

= graser =

I wasn't entirely sure why I thought Minecraft would help my situation in any way. It had always been a sort of escape from the real world, I supposed, and in my current situation, that was something I greatly needed at the moment.

My leg bounced impatiently as I waited to be paired with two teammates in a UHC match, uncomfortable Apple earbuds in my ears and nothing but the little Macbook to play on. Any free moment was a moment for me to think, a feat I was trying to avoid at all costs, and I bit my lip as I bounced around spawn, having changed my username and skin back to 'Graser10' and my usual (iconic) robot skin in order to give myself a bit of peace of mind. A small chime sounded in my ears, and I stopped to check who I had been teamed with.

One name was familiar: DevonDoesGames. I had a wager as to who the other name was.

I bit back a groan. The universe must really hate me.

Seeming to recognize my name, Devon sent a message. "TS?"

Sighing, I replied affirmatively and opened a browser. I was back in the dreaded chatroom in just seconds, and two recognizable voices that were both comforting and haunting filled my ears as I tentatively switched back to Minecraft.

"...hey," ventured Devon uncertainly after the notification that I'd joined the channel had finished its monotonous message.

"Hey," I replied softly, not bothering with my previous vigor after the past couple of experiences I'd had.

"You're Graser, right?" Devon asked after a pause, pronouncing my nickname with the care of someone sounding out a new word. "The guy from the other day?"

I winced. Don't remind me. "Yeah."

"Well... I think you knew this already for some reason, but I'm Devon, and this is my friend Julio."

"Hi," Tomahawk muttered, and my throat swelled at how unhappy he sounded to hear my voice.

"Nice to meet you," I replied flatly as the game started, and the three of us spawned on a hill.

= flip side = a cube smp fanfiction = discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now