= eleven =

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to Flip Side! c:

This week, I happened to begin the part of my obsession cycle where I look up fanfiction for the new thing (aka Attack on Titan) and I am rediscovering my love/hate relationship with fanfics... some of the grammar and plots make me absolutely CRINGE. But there are others, like the one I read on Sunday, that are literally superb and could've been actual novels. I JUST DON'T KNOW. But it's sort of funny to go through them all XD

Happy early Valentine's Day, everyone! I love you all so so much for supporting me (most of you for a very long time, too) and reading every chapter, no matter how crappy it turns out, and for being amazing readers <3 a special heart for my lovely betas (Jamie and Siempie) and my crazy but lovable internet weirdos :p (I'm talking to you, Tam, Cass, and Grace). 

This year, Emily and I still don't have (real) boyfriends (*coughcoughfictionalcharacterscoughcough*), so we decided to get each other stuff c: I'm super pleased, I got everything for her and just need to put it together *squee*

This chapter is super short but I didn't have anything else planned for this chapter, and couldn't for the life of me think of what else to add to it. I'm sorry D: I don't know how many people even still care about this, soo... plus I've been super busy with NHS application, registering for junior classes, and getting ready for this year's VASE art competition, which is the 20th this year (WHO REMEMBERS LAST YEAR'S? I PUT IT IN AN AUTHOR'S NOTE IN NANO I THINK :D). Why is second semester so hard? *cries*

Remember to follow code_cherry on Twitter and Instagram, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy eleven!

= graser =

"No results found."

Sighing in resignation, I crossed another name off of the makeshift list on the desk beside my laptop, scribbled haphazardly in black pen on a piece of notebook paper.

I was determined to fulfill my part of Devon and I's bargain: he does the research, I gather the group as best I can. The first, and most obvious, thing to do was search all of their usernames in YouTube to see if their channel popped up. That was how I'd found myself jotting down every Cube name I could think of on scrap paper, followed by typing those names in one by one, only to be met with the same italic error message that was starting to get on my nerves.

Devon and Tomahawk agreeing to help had given me hope. If there was a way back, we would find it. I was sure of it.

And the fact that they had no clue who I was, but were willing to believe me... that meant a lot, too.

I clicked my tongue in frustration as another search came up blank. You can't tell me that I convinced all of the Cube to do YouTube, because I didn't. At least some of them should still be here!

A line of ink cut harshly through the name 'xBayani.' I don't know why I expected him to still be here. But I want to cover all my bases.

My eyes slid down to the next name on the list. 'Grapeapplesauce.'

Grape and I had been pretty good friends, in my opinion. Though our senses of humor weren't always the same, he'd always been kind and polite to me, and willing to listen to anything I had to say. He'd also been the one to teach me more than a few PvP tricks, through both watching him and actual advice. Another small pang shot through my stomach at the thought of another friend that I'd lost.

With a heavy heart, I typed the username into the search bar.

And sat directly upright.

The familiar purple page had popped up almost instantly, revealing an easily recognizable header and profile picture that nearly had me crying in relief. I checked the date of his most recent upload, smiling as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders when it gave yesterday's date.

I had already clicked send on the message when doubt started to enter me. Will he even see it, much less reply? I know I sure didn't check my messages often, and only answered those from people I knew. "Damn," I cursed under my breath, hating myself for not thinking of this fatal flaw before. I guess it's still worth a shot. Grape's a lot more generous than I am... but that doesn't mean he won't think I'm insane.

Despite everything, the discovery that Grape still had a channel reinforced the fact that my efforts weren't for nothing. There might still be others.

And so the search continued, my legs starting to fall asleep as I sat in the mediocre desk chair for a few more hours, bouncing between YouTube and social media and my text conversation with Devon and back again. A few names besides Grape's came up with results--H and Stacy. Devon's response to this was that the others may still play Minecraft, just without a YouTube channel--like himself and Tomahawk. I agreed halfheartedly, not sure how else I was supposed to find the others without such public access. Devon advised me to be patient, and repeated his words about how life always tended to work in circles. I tried my hardest not to scoff. He's only trying to help.

I exhaled loudly, rolling backwards in my chair and almost running over Shadow, who meowed sharply and darted onto my bed.

"What a mess," I muttered bitterly, clenching the wrinkly piece of notebook paper tightly in a fist. The ink from the names of my friends, all crossed out but three, bled into my skin, leaving blackish-gray marks on my palm. I opened my grasp and let the paper fall, watching it float slowly to the carpet and observing the smeared ink sadly.

I still miss all of you. But I'll find a way back. I promise.

Briefly, I wondered if time was still passing in the universe I'd left behind. If so, were they worried about me? Were the fans wondering why I'd disappeared from the face of the internet, where I normally spent a great deal of time? The third question that came to mind made my eyes water, and I brushed at them impatiently as I stood, rolling my chair over the list and throwing my door open, stalking out of the room.

Do they even know I'm gone?  

This chapter is so bad I'm so sorry D: I've reached another sort of lull in the story that may last a couple chapters until Devon finally gets some sort of lead or something, and I hate that I planned it this way. Right when I was getting back momentum, too! I need another Will chapter to get me motivated.


Do you have a Valentine this year? Or is your Valentine a fictional character, like me? (Don't pretend like it's not true tch) Or are you doing something with a friend(s) like Emily and I? <3

Vote and comment for more! Until next time!

~ Cherry <3

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