= fifteen =

185 13 9

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Flip Side! c:

SPRING BREAK IS ALMOST HEREEEEE :D next week I'll be on break! (though how much break I'll actually get, I'm not sure, between WHAP homework, possible English homework tomorrow, and room painting [yes we're finally painting my room after two years smh]) I'm just ready to NOT go to school for a week. Boy do I need a break... but thanks WHAP for not allowing me such a pleasure *cries a little*

I also got a Snapchat recently (which I forgot to mention last time!), thanks to the incessant words of both my IRL and internet friends ^^" the username is code_cherry if you want to follow me.

I've been writing drabbles lately instead of this. I'm just inspired by five billion things other than this right now XD even with the Cube "rebooting" or whatever, I feel like I moved on a long time ago and am still holding onto strings of the past... (whoops got deep there) and I still have to plan collabs with Grace and Cass and finish my AOT planning with Tam... *dies because I stretched myself too thin and my muse is in the complete wrong place* :/

Remember to follow code_cherry on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy fifteen!

= graser =

I let my eyes fall shut as I walked, taking in Canada's cool air and the breeze playing through my tousled, mousy brown hair. The walk to the store was long, but it was definitely better than taking any form of public transport, and this time of year, it was completely worth it to observe the country's subtle beauty and simply enjoy being outside.

I sighed, something I had been doing a lot lately. Walks had also been my escape, of sorts; my way of avoiding the issue at hand and pretending that all was well. That when I got back, I would be able to hear the yelling voices of my friends through my headset, even from down the hallway. That I'd be able to join them until my voice was an octave higher than theirs, as it always tended to be.

If there was anything I missed, it was the small things like that.

Not that their alter-egos here weren't trying. Devon was working overtime, spending a significant chunk of his free time researching my predicament (which I was immensely grateful for), and the others had been assisting in any way they could, primarily in keeping me distracted and trying to make it seem as normal as possible. Tomahawk in particular was making an immense effort, which surprised me slightly; he'd never struck me as the type to change his mind, and he'd appeared to hate me at first. I smiled softly to myself. Or maybe he liked me from the start, and he just didn't know why.

The sound of bustling people jolted me out of my stupor, and my head snapped up as I realized that my feet had carried me to the store subconsciously. Shaking my head a little, I stepped inside, already preparing a mental list of what I needed and how much it would cost. Though I wasn't sure how I was still receiving an income without my YouTube career, I had accepted it and budgeted as best I could in case it suddenly ceased. You can never be too careful.

I found myself spacing out again as I shopped, distracted by thoughts that never seemed to fade. I was reaching out to grab a box of cereal when, for about the fourth time since I had arrived in this world, a familiar voice made me freeze.

"What is with you Americans and your weird foods?" the clearly British accent asked nonchalantly, and I turned my head slightly, no longer surprised at who I saw.

Will stood about halfway down the aisle beside Bayani, eyeing something the latter was holding with a look of apprehension. Neither had spotted me standing there, staring almost wearily in their direction, the cereal box crumpling a bit under my tight grip.

"Will, we're not in America." Bayani's voice held a hint of exasperation at his European friend, but he shoved what he had been holding--a box of obviously-American cereal--back on the shelf.

"So?" The British boy raised his eyebrows. "You're American, and I doubt that cereal was Canadian, unless it contained some sort of maple or bacon."

It was Bayani's turn to roll his eyes. "You've got to be kidding me, Will."

Nostalgia curling up in my stomach, I forced myself to look away, tossing the cereal roughly into my handheld basket and speedwalking in the other direction before I lost my control. I'd thought that I'd had my emotions in check at this point; evidently, I was wrong. Why does life enjoy fucking with me so much?


I ignored the yell, assuming it wasn't for me, and kept walking, heading idly for the store's entrance. A hand grasped my shoulder, and I jumped violently, spinning around and meeting wide brown eyes. and a shock of dark, fluffy brown hair.

I could practically feel my face darken, and before my head could catch up to my mouth, I was spitting, "What do you want?"

Will winced visibly, and guilt began to seep its way further into my tangle of emotions. "Er, sorry. Can... can we talk to you for a minute?" I looked and, sure enough, an uncertain Bayani stood a couple of paces behind him, arms crossed and expression mixed.

I bit my lip, unsure of why on earth they'd want to talk to me after what I'd said to them the first time we'd met in this world. "Uh... sure?" It came out as more of a question than a statement, and I knew my confusion must've shown on my face, because Will's features softened.

"It's okay, I just..." He glanced at Bayani and back at me. "we just want to apologize. For being so rude to you before."

My eyes widened slightly. "Oh... it's alright," I responded quickly, not wanting them to believe I was holding any sort of grudge.

Will offered me a sheepish smile and held out his hand. "I'm Will. I'm from England, but I'm staying with my best friend here as a sort of exchange program my uni's doing."

Shocked somewhat by the sudden introduction, I attempted a half-smile and took his hand. "...Zach. But please, call me Graser."

The look Will gave me in return was inquisitive, but he nodded regardless and glanced at Bayani, who had remained silent this entire time. I searched his face almost hopefully with my eyes for any sign that he even wanted to know me in this universe. Come on, Jordan! Even Will, who's supposedly been frustrated with me for ages, introduced himself to me! Prove that you don't just put up with me back home!

I had to restrain a gasp of relief when Bayani slowly reached towards me. "Jordan."

I could barely contain my smile as I shook his hand, too.

Will was staring at me, head cocked slightly to one side. "By the way, if you don't mind me asking, who did you think we were when you first ran into us?"

Devon's voice rang in my hand. Find as many of them as possible. Make them aware of the situation. If they were really your friends in your world, then, well... they'll feel the urge to help you, even if you just met them.

I scratched nervously at the back of my neck, offering the two a sheepish smile. "That's sort of a long story... you guys have time?"

Even if I'm pretty much over the Cube by now, writing Will is STILL the easiest thing in this fandom for me. I am completely unsure as to why that is. His dialogue just... flows, unlike the others in my opinion. And Graser is STILL one of the hardest characters for me to write. I don't understandddd


When is your spring break? How long are you off for? My spring break is next week and we get the whole week off (a whopping 9 days total yayyyy)

Vote and comment for more! Until next time!

~ Cherry

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