= twelve =

172 14 6

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Flip Side! c:

How was your Valentine's Day? I got some stuff from my dad, of course, and then Emily brought me some adorable stuff too on Monday and I think she really liked her gift, so all is well :D

How many of you remember VASE (our regional art competition) from last year? Well, it's on Saturday, and I figured out yesterday that I have to be at the school at 6 AM and may not get home til 8 PM *gasp of horror* whelp, there goes my Saturday. It'll be worth it if I get to go to state, though ^^ And since I'm actually proud of my pieces this year, unlike last year's, I've got my fingers crossed.

As far as Flip Side goes, we're kind of at that awkward middle part of the plot where there's just a lot of filler and (hopefully) nostalgia, so I'm having trouble writing it again. I hope that I have a Will chapter planned soon! Though I have been drabbling some AOT lately (which will likely never see the light of day because I'm not proud of them), trying to get my mojo back. It's just SO HARD to write in the spring because of how fast-paced school gets to prepare for March/April/May standardized testing. My mind is always in 500 other places and by the time I do get some free time, I'm wiped. I hate it, I really want to write more, but it's sooooo hard... :(

Remember to follow code_cherry on Twitter and Instagram, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy twelve!

= graser =

I let out a whoop as my shot connected and fireworks exploded around the arena, the chat declaring me the winner. "Haha, Mr. Tomahawk! Graser10 has won the hunger games!"

This earned me a grunt of annoyance from the younger boy. "Do you have to be so loud? And I know you know me as Tomahawk, but can you stop calling me that? It's weird." I could picture him crossing his arms as he sat back in his black chair with an almost absurd amount of ease. Now that it's gone, I remember all the details...


He seemed to notice the switch that he had flicked on my mood, and gave a disgruntled sigh before replying, "It's not your fault, I guess. This is what you're used to. If it helps..." He hesitated for a split second before continuing. "...I can try to act as much as my other self as possible, but you've gotta give me some hints here."

I chuckled softly at his bluntness. "You're the same person already, just without the memories."

"I just keep wondering how the hell my other self puts up with you."

This genuinely made me laugh, and I knew that there must be the ghost of a smile on his own face. It had been a while since I'd felt this way--that everything was normal, and that I was bantering back and forth with one of my friends like I had every day back home. It was refreshing, even if it lasted only a moment.

It had been Devon's suggestion that Tomahawk and I play together, and when questioned about his own plans, he had replied that he may have gotten a lead on my situation and wanted to look into it more. When I'd protested despite myself that he didn't have to, he'd shot me down immediately and insisted that Tomahawk and I play without him. The easily-riled teen was pretty much just as I remembered him, PvP skills and all, and I hadn't been about to pass up the fact that I had finally beaten him.

Catching my breath, I questioned, "Rematch?"

"You're on."

It was only a few minutes more before we'd joined another match, and I found myself dissolving into spontaneous fits of laughter once more as Tomahawk cursed every now and then, whether he was being chased or simply was lacking in gear. Absorbed in the game and our conversation, I forgot that we were playing on a public Mineplex TeamSpeak channel until another voice cut off my laughs and Tomahawk's profanity-filled sentence.

"Hey, what's goin' on in here?"

I froze, my laughter cutting off abruptly.

"We're just playing some Survival Games," Tomahawk answered for me, the playful anger in his voice fading as he realized who must've joined the TeamSpeak and heard all of his cursing.

"Well, keep it clean if you wanna play on the public channel, please," chirped the voice. "Little children could join at any second, you know."

I heard Tomahawk make a small pfft noise under his breath. Louder, he said, "Sorry, man. It won't happen again, mod."

"It's okay. I don't wanna have to ban ya, 'cause you seem like cool fellas, but I'm just doin' my job." The voice was lighter and more cheerful now, taking on a joking tone. "Have fun, then."

"Thanks," was Tomahawk's curt reply.

Desperation struck me at that moment as I realized that the mod planned to leave the channel. "Wait! Parker!"

Silence followed this, and then both boys spoke at once, suddenly serious.

"You know him?"

"How do you know my name?"

I fidgeted uncomfortably in my seat, part of me regretting speaking out, but I shook my head firmly. No. I promised Devon--and myself--that I would find as many as possible.

"...please, just... let me explain."

"Okay, ya got me. I'm curious. How do you know me?" Parker sounded intrigued and willing to listen, making me feel a little relieved. But as I opened my mouth to explain, Tomahawk cut me off.

"Was he one of us?"

I bit my lip at the cryptic question, debating how to answer. Eventually, I settled on the truth. Nothing to lose.

"...yes. He was."

Rereading this makes me realize how much I made Parker sound southern XD I was just picturing the way he talks and it kind of snowballed.

Parker won't be the only other Cube member making a cameo in this story ;)


Are any of you guys artists? If so, do you draw, paint, do graphics like I do? (And it's okay if you don't. Not everyone's creative c:)

Vote and comment for more! Until next time!

~ Cherry

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