Can i be yours?

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{Creds to artist. This is what i picture jade to be!^}
Jade nuzzled himself into Dominic's arms, enjoying the warmth and kindness of the other. He purred and licked his hand, making the younger chuckle. "Careful kitten, I was touching some catnip to check stalk, I don't want you to be all loopy." He said as jade mewed.
That was his favorite!
He licked his hand more and dominic gently touched the kittens nose. "I said no, now listen to me or I'm gonna spank your little butt." He said as jade mewed and stopped.
Dominic nodded and kissed his head, "good boy." He spoke as jade pawed at his arm, wanting to get down. He settled him down and held gwen,jade shifting back into his human form.
He had a slight blush on his cheeks and smiled up at dominic. "What are those scars from?" He asked protectively over the kitten. Jade looked down, slightly ashamed and mad at the memory. "My old master used to punish me if I...didn't pleasure him. I wanted to stay a virgin, plus I don't know a lot about...that." He said innocently as dominic nodded, taking that into mind. "Well he was a rude man. Do you want to get lunch at a seafood place?" He asked as jade nodded eagerly. He loved fish and milk.
They walked to the seafood restaurant and got a table, jade hiding gwen in a bag that dominic gave him. "What would you like to eat, kitten?" "Fish and milk please!" The neko said happily as dominic nodded. He ordered for both of them once the waitress walked over. She smiled at dominic, slightly flirtatious with him. Jade growled to himself and glared at the girl,blushing once he realized what he was doing. Dominic noticed and chuckled. "Hey, don't get mad. She seemed nice." "I know..?" He mumbled to himself quietly, crossing his arms and pouting. "Hey no pouting love, so what do you like?" He asked as jade thought. "I like stuffed animals,catnip,milk,coloring,movies,and forests." He said as dominic smiled. "I like books,coffee,beaches,and I like traveling." He said as jade smiled. "Coffee tastes yucky!!" "Good cause that mean you won't steal my coffee." Jade stuck his tongue out and dominic glared. "Put that away or I'll make it mine, little one." "I'm not little!! I'm older than you!" He said as Dominic smirked. Their waitress came with their food and served the plates.
Jade quickly stuck his tongue out at her and hid his face away. Dominic raised a brow, "hey now, I know you know how to be polite. Use your manners." He said sternly as jade nodded.
After 2 more hours of work they finally got home. Jade played with gwen while dominic showered.
"Wanna watch a movie?" The boy asked as Jade nodded. "You pick." "Umm... The little mermaid!" He said as dominic chuckled and put on the movie for him.
About half way through jade snuggled up to dominic and blushed.
"C-can I ask you a question?" He said as dominic looked down. "Sure kitten" "you know you said you would make my tongue yours earlier..... C-can I be yours?" He said with big innocent eyes, looking up at the boy. Dominic smiled widely and nodded. "Of course kitten!" He exclaimed as he held the neko close.

Jade (Ddlb/boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now