Chapter 40♡

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After hanging out around the small town we had been staying in, Bridget and I decided it was time to go visit the neighboring town. Early that next morning we packed up our things and drove off to the beautiful beach I once viewed in awe… The cab dropped us off in front of the cute little rode side café. Walking in I slowly feel in love. It was definitely my new favorite restaurant and I haven’t even sat down yet.  I could hear a faint guitar coming from the other side of the café. Bridget and I found a table and sat down.  While Bridget attempted to tell me about the cute Australian boy she met on the beach yesterday, I wasn’t really listening to her my ears were straining to catch every note coming from the other side of the café. “Bridget will you please excuse me for a second?” She nodded and I walked toward the music. As I turned the corner I could make out exactly what was being sang, “darlin I know your hearts seen better times…” My mouth fell open either this boy sounds exactly like Cody or…  I waited for the song to end. As I tried to talk myself into going closer I heard him speak, “for this next song I would like to invite my good friend Marie to join me.” The small audience clapped softly, then they started to play together.  It began and it was obviously a love duet. The line that stuck was when they both began to sing “they don’t know about us..” She had a nice voice. I couldn’t take it anymore, I rounded the corner fully are there sitting on the small stage was Cody and also a petit blond girl (Marie).  As they finished there song they stood up holding hands. Slowly they turned to each other and leaned in. Quickly I looked away.

An older lady sitting near where I was standing turned to me, “aren’t they just wonderful?” I put on a smile and nodded. “They are lucky.”

“I’m sure you’ll find someone soon honey your still young and very beautiful.”

“Thank you, but I think I already found and lost my boy.” I quickly stole a glance at Cody. I looked back and noticed she had followed my gaze. She looked back at me with a soft smile, “Hanna I don’t think you lost him completely.”

“I sure hope not.” I said good by and walked back to my table.  Bridget looked up at me through her magazine. “Ready to go?” nodding I grabbed my purse and began to leave.  My mind was unfocused and I felt myself walk into someone. I refocused and saw the same cute girl blond girl. “I’m so sorry” I said while trying to steady her rocking body. She looked me in the eye and hers grew. “I-its ok.” She stuttered. I left quickly not looking back.  Bridget struggled to keep up.  We got to our new hotel room in record time.  “Ok after that jog home I’m going to go shower and nap. I’m pooped.”  I replied, “I’m going to go for a run on the beach.” I put on my running clothes then walked to the beach then sat down in the sand. A little ways away I could see a young girl. It looked like she was watching her boyfriend surf. I remember going to the beach to watch Cody surf. It was very relaxing.  I began my run and thousands of things popped into my head. I replayed everything that happened earlier, that’s when it hit me; how did that sweet old lady know my name?  I couldn’t come up with an answer.  As I came back to reality I decided I should turn around. 

With everything running through my head I was flying down the beach. Sooner then I thought I made it back to where I had started.  The exhaustion from sprinting soon caught up with me. I sat in the sand and cooled down. My eyes were closed and I was just listening to the crash of the ocean. I felt the sand shift next to me. Slowly I opened my eyes and sitting next to me is Marie.  She looked sad, her beautiful bright blue eyes looked as if she had been crying.

“Are you here to take him back?” She said holding back tears. I looked at her and noticed the one tear that escaped. “No, I’m not here to take him from you.” Her eyes lit up. “I don’t want to mess up your relationship.”  I could feel my tear ducks filling. “Thank you. “ she said while embracing me in a tight hug. I stood up and began to walk away but felt a tug on my hand. “Hanna, thank you.” She said pulling me into another hug. I pulled away quickly and began to leave again not wanting her to see me cry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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