•Hayes' POV•

We finally made it to North Carolina and we were all waiting for my mom and stepdad to pick us up at the airport. Nash and Cam were talking and Danielle was basically falling asleep.

"Babe" I whispered. She opened her eyes slightly and gave a light smile. "Just making sure you were awake" I chuckled "my mom will be here soon and then you can go to bed"

She nodded her head and closed her eyes again just as we saw my moms car pull up. "Let's go D" I said and shook her arm.

"Can you give me a piggy back ride?" She asked. I raised my eyebrows but let her hop on my back anyways, she just laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes yet again.

•Cam's POV•

We made it back to Elizabeth's place and we're talking about where we were going to sleep and stuff like that.

"Ok so we only have four rooms so I was thinking that Nash and Hayes could share and you and Danielle could share?" Elizabeth said sweetly.

"Ya that's great, I'm going to put Danielle in bed and I'll be back down in a second" I picked Danielle up and walked up the stairs and laid her down in one in the rooms and covered her up. I kissed her forehead and turned the lights off, closing the door when I left.

•Hayes' POV•

I was sitting upstairs in my room and I heard something hitting the wall, it sounded like it was coming from Nash's room. I got up and went to go investigate and saw Danielle laying on the bed tossing and turning, she was sweating and whimpering too.

I ran over to the bed and started shaking her to try and wake her up. "Danielle, Danielle" I whispered. She sat straight up and was sobbing hysterically.

•Danielle's POV•

I woke up from my nightmare and was sobbing uncontrollably. I was looking for something to hang onto when someone grabbed me.

"Help! Help!" I tried telling but it came out barely audible.

"Sh. It's ok it's just me, it's Hayes" I heard his soothing voice and let myself relax in his arms, still shaking. He leaned against the headboard and I sat in between his legs and put my head on his chest.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

"I just had a nightmare, I'm sorry if I woke you up. You can go back to bed if you want"

"No it's fine, I wasn't sleeping. You just scared me that's all"

"I'm ok now" I smiled slightly and leaned up to peck his cheek. "I suggest you go back to your room unless you want Cam to see us and flip"

He chuckled and got out of the bed and started walking out, "what no kiss?" I pouted.

He came back and kissed me softly, "night princess"

~next day~

•Nash's POV•

I woke up pretty early and decided to get ready, Cam and I made plans to just goof off today while everyone else stays here. I went to my room, well my old room, and shook Cam awake. He got up and went to the guest bathroom to shower and I went to the one downstairs.

After we were all ready I grabbed my keys and we headed out.

•Hayes' POV•

I woke up and looked around the room, I saw a note on the table and picked it up

Cam and I are hanging out today and mom won't be home till later, there's money on the counter for you and Danielle to get food.


I smiled and went to go wake up Danielle. We had a whole day to ourselves!

I walked over to her room and saw her peacefully sleeping on the bed. I walked over and sat on her back and started kissing her neck making her squirm.

She looked at me and signaled for me to get off her so I just rolled over and laid next to her.

"What do you think you were doing!?! Cameron could've seen that Hayes!" She said flustered.

"Babe...we have the whole place to ourselves today" A smirk spread across my face and she smiled "they left me note saying they'd be back later"

"Well in that case..."

She turned and kiss me sweetly, after a few seconds she pulled away and bit her lip shyly.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked her.

"We should watch Netflix and eat pizza!" she declared triumphantly.

"So Netflix and chill?" I winked.

"Ew you're gross" she laughed.

She went into the bathroom to shower and stuff so I figured I would just order the pizza since it's already 11:30.

•Danielle's POV•

I took a quick shower and put on my glasses, blow dried my hair and threw it into a messy bun. I grabbed my spandex, sports bra, and one of Cam's shirts.

I exited the bathroom and grabbed my laptop from my bag and signed into my Netflix account and made the bed all comfy. Hayes came up about 10 minutes later with a pizza box in his hand and 2 Pepsis.

He looked me up and down and I tried hiding my crimson cheeks. He saw that I was blushing and laughed. I pushed his chest lightly and we went over and sat down on the bed.

"This is really good" I said after I took a bite from my second slice of pizza.

"I know! The best pizza for the best girl" I laughed at his stupidity and we continued eating and watching Bring it On; one of my favorites.

"Oh my god she's such a badass" I giggled during one of my favorite movies, Miss Congeniality. I was currently laying with one leg draped over his waist and my head on his chest.

This day couldn't get any better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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