•Danielle's POV•

"Danielle, Danielle wake up" I heard Cam's voice as he shook me lightly. I was still mad at him from last night so I rolled over and put my back to him.

"I know you're mad at me D, can we go to breakfast and talk please?" He pleaded. I turned and faced him.

"Fine...give me like a half hour" I said walking into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and tied my hair into a tight bun. I threw on some leggings and a loose tank and walked out of the bathroom. "Where are we going?"  I asked.

"IHOP...lets go before everyone else wakes up" he grabbed the keys and we headed out the door and down the stairs.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked him after our waitress took our order.

"Well a couple things actually, first of all, you know how we're leaving tonight?" I nodded "well I talked to mom and dad and they're not going to be here when we're on break so we're going to head back with Nash and Hayes to their house" I just about choked on nothing but he continued "and secondly, I'm really sorry about yesterday, I'm just really protective and I don't want you to get hurt"

"I get that Cam but you can't freak out every time I hug a guy, it's not cool and I hated how you just started assuming things. I'd appreciate it if you came to me calmly instead of doing what you did" I felt a little bad because what he was assuming is right but I can't tell him that now, not before we go to North Carolina otherwise he'll just change where we stay.

"Ya I know. I'm sorry D" he gave me a hug and as he pulled away our waitress brought our food out. "Yum"

•Hayes' POV•

I woke up and saw Danie laying in the other bed on her phone and eating cereal. I chuckled and got up sitting next to her on the bed. "Whatcha lookin at?" I asked peeking over her shoulder.

"Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, the usual" she laughed.

"Do you know where Danielle and Cam are?"

"They left a note saying they went out to breakfast, they'll probably be back soon though"

I nodded and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and then started packing for our flight back home. We have a 2 week break in between this tour stop and the next one so we're all going home.

I overheard Cam and Nash talking yesterday about Cam and Danielle coming to NC and I'm so excited. As I was packing up the last few things I had Danielle walked in but I didn't see Cam, he probably went to Nash's room.

"Hey babe" I said kissing her cheek.

"Hey...guess what!" I nodded telling her to go on. "Cam and I coming to NC with you and Nash!"

"I know" I laughed "I overheard Cam and Nash talking about it yesterday. I'm so excited!"

"I am too! But that means that I have to meet your parents...what if they don't like me?"

"I'm pretty sure that's actually impossible. They love Cam so they're going to love you too"

She smiles up at me and pecks my cheek. "I need to pack, wanna help?"

I grabbed her suitcase from the closet and started putting the clothes  that she folded in it. It only took us about 20 minutes to get everything packed and zipped up, after we were done we just plopped down on the bed.

"I'm really nervous but excited to meet your family" she says.

"Don't be nervous; they'll love you, I promise" I kissed her temple.

Her phone started vibrating on the bedside table and she picked it up.

"Hello? Ya we're done. Ok, see ya soon. Love you too." She hung up and turned to face me "Cam and Nash want us to grab our bags and meet them in their room, I guess it's time to leave"

She walked over to Danie and they said their goodbyes which took like 10 minutes, girls.

•Nash's POV•

"Bro we're gonna have so much fun these next two weeks" I say as I zip up my suitcase.

"Ya I can't wait, I haven't seen your family in forever" Cam replies.

"Well there's Hayes" I chuckle

"Ya he's a piece of work. Are you sure you guys are related"

"What was that?" Hayes chimed in as he came into the room "I'll have you know that lots of people love me thank you very much"

"Ok, sure" Danielle laughed.


We all laughed and grabbed our bags and headed down to the lobby and got into our car.

Once we got to the airport we checked in and got a little something to eat before we had to board.

"Flight 274 now boarding" we heard the intercom.

We're heading back home!

The Miracle Adoption (Magcon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now