dontforgetme *5*

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Chapter 5

I stood aside anxiously as I waited for Joe to come back with the volleyball so we can all continue playing.

I don't understand it.

I mean, He left like five minutes ago.

It doesn't take five minutes to get a volleyball.

That's just not how it works.

I let my eyes scan over the beach, looking for Joe as he still didn't seem to be anywhere I was looking.

Until I spotted him standing with two girls, talking about something as my brow furrowed.

What was he doing?

“Hey, guys. I'll be back..” I said over my shoulder, running over to Joe and the two girls as I clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, uhm.. Do you have the ball?” I asked as Joe looked over at me, a soft smile on his face.

“Oh, yeah. I was just apologizing for hitting this girl on the head with the ball when I so terribly missed it.” He said, turning to the girl as the girl in almost all black had a soft smile on the corner of her lips as the girl standing next to her caught my attention.

I looked over at Joe again as he looked between the two girls.

“Again. I am so sorry for hitting you. I hope you're okay..” He said, looking at the girl in all black.

“Oh, it's not a problem. I'm sorry for my friend, Selena here..” She said as she looked over at me.

“Right. My names Justin.” I said, shaking my head as I held my hand out to shake her hand as she shook it willingly.

“Demi.” She said, nodding as she pulled her hand away from me.

“I still don't forgive him, D. That's just not okay.” The other girl, Selena I think, said, glaring at Joe as Demi shook her head.

“Drop it, Lena.” She mumbled irritably as she looked over at Joe again. “I guess I will see you around?” She said, directing it more to Joe as he nodded.

“I guess so.” He said smiling as he looked over to Selena. “It was a pleasure to meet you.” He said, holding his hand out as she swatted it away.

“Dont touch me. Who knows, you could knock me over too.” She said as I raised my eyebrow.

A little feisty?

Well then.

“Selena!” Demi said, giving her a look as Selena sighed, shaking her head.

“Whatever.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest as she turned to walk away as I looked over at Demi.

“I’m sorry about her. She's a little......... over dramatic at times.” Demi explained as I shook my head.

“Oh, it's not a problem. It's nice to meet you, Demi, but Joe and I have to get back to a volleyball game.” I said, giving Joe a look as he nodded.

“Right. I will see you around.” Joe said, smiling at her as she nodded, walking over to her friend that still looked a little..... heated.

“What was that about?” I asked Joe as he walked over to pick up the volleyball, tossing it up in the air before walking over to me again so we can make our way back to the volleyball space.

“I guess when the ball came sailing over in their direction, it hit Demi in the head on accident. When I went to get it, Selena, her friend, verbally pounced on me and that was the end of that.” He explained, shaking his head at the thought as he looked over at me.

“Im sorry, dude. But I guess it's for a good cause because honestly..” I said, plucking the ball out of his grip as I continued talking. “Neither of them were your type. Mine maybe, but not yours.” I said, turning around and walking the rest of the way to the court as Joe came and plucked the ball back from me, a slide smile on his lips.

“Its my turn, fucktard.” He said, walking to his post as everyone else continued to talk and chat amongst each other. Joe served the ball as everyone’s eyes widened as they scrambled to get to their places to catch the ball.

In the end, the ball ended up in the sand on the ground between a group of people, making the both of us burst into laughter.

Today was good.


dontforgetme *jemi/justlena*Where stories live. Discover now