6: Idols

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Summer's POV

I couldn't believe it. For once in my life I have met my idols. Seeing the Red dye from my door made it clear. Michael, Ashton, and Luke were all looking at Calum in a strange way. I looked towards the tan male, and saw the awe and remembrance in his eyes.

"S-Summer?" He asked.

I nodded shyly before seeing the tears slowly pour out and getting a hug from the 6 foot boy.

"I can't believe we found you."

"Bro, this is Summer? The Summer you have been wanted to be found?" Questioned Michael.

"It is..." I say, bringing my lip down in sadness.

"Why the long face?" Irwin asks.

"I didn't want you guys to know about this. About my stupid contract. If you guys knew mor-"

I was interrupted by a pair of plump lips attaching to mine.

"C-Calum" I moan softly.

He pulls away and looks to me.

"Summer, I don't care how you ended up like this, what you are or anything. All I care about is that you are safe."

Tears get brought to my eyes as he says his small speech.


A/N: Okay guys, I know how short this is, but I'm about to post a new update regarding a series I am going to start.

Why? you say.

Wellll... I'm starting to lose interest in this as I usually do, but this time its because I've seemed to gain and obsession over teen wolf.

Sorry y'all, I try to do my best with these I swear.

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