Chapter 3: Haze

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Maggie's POV

"Is he ok?" I asked as I rushed over to him. What just happened? Was it something I said? I don't think so...All I said was hi. Actually I didn't say hi at all.
"C'mon Leah help me get him up" Jacob said pulling Seth up and dragging him over to the couch. "Jake what the heck just happened?"I questioned. "Well I'm actually not sure" he said. I walked over to him and touched his arm. "Ow!" his skin was as hot as an oven. Maybe he has a fever.... "Jake do we have a thermometer? His skin is burning hot." I said rushing over to all the cabinets. I started pulling open all the cabinets looking for the one with medicine. "Ahah! Got it!" I yelled as I grabbed the red and silver thermometer from behind the pills. "Here...lemme just.." before I could finish my sentence Jake grabbed the thermometer and threw it at the wall. It shattered into a million pieces. I looked at Jake and then back at the wall and then back at him. "WHAT THE HECK JACOB?!?" I yelled at him. "IF YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE HIS TEMPERATURE YOU COULD'VE JUST SAID SO" I yelled some more. "oops" he said smirking and shrugging his shoulders like the little devil he is. Soon, my dad rolled into the living room. "Jake what happened? I heard yelling?" he said. "Yeah Jake's friend Seth collapsed and I was trying to take his temperature but Jake just broke the freaking thermometer!!!" I said my voice starting to raise. "Jake why would you..." Jake gave him a weird look and his sentence was cut off. "Dad? Jake? What was that weird moment thing you guys just had? Ya know what forget it. Dad so are you gonna do something or" I asked. My dad went over to the phone and dialed a number. "Hello... yes Seth and Leah just came over and it seems like Seth just collapsed. Ok great." he hung up. Turning towards Leah he said, "Your mother is on the way". "Fine no one tell me anything I don't care!" I stormed off. I've been home for literally half and hour and this has happened. Who even is this kid? Well he is kinda cute..... UGH do not even start Maggie. Hmmmmm I should probably go back.... I walked back into the room. A woman and the girl Leah were carrying Seth who was slowly returning consciousness into a car. "So is he gonna be ok?" I asked. "Yeah he'll be fine" Jake said with unsureness in his voice. "Um ok..." I mumbled. I looked over at my dad who was just staring at Jake. At that moment he mouthed something to Jake that looked like "I'm printing" or something like that. Jake's face turned as white as a ghost. "I'm printing? What's that supposed to mean? What're you printing?" I asked. "Printing? Oh! Um nothing sweetheart it's nothing I promise" my dad reassured. "Yeah um ok well you guys are being weird so I'm just gonna go take a walk" and with that I grabbed my half made sandwich and walked out the door. I really need to clear my head.

Jacob's POV

"No! No way, no how!" I yelled right as Maggie closed the door. "Jacob you never know, it may be that" my dad said. Earlier when Seth collapsed I thought it was from dehydration or something but just a second ago my dad mouthed imprinting. No it's not that. She hasn't even been here for an hour!! He literally saw her for a second. No...he did not imprint on her. Well we will find out soon enough. "Dad that's not what happened. Ya know what lets just drop the subject." I huffed. "Fine. Where did your sister go?" he asked. "She said she was going to take a walk" I answered. His eyes widened. "A walk?! Jacob she hasn't been here in years! Besides what if someone has phased and she comes across them!" he yelled frantically. I chuckled. "Dad chill. No one is phasing without Sam here" I assured. "Jacob you don't know that" he gave me a stern look. I just laughed and walked outside. Ya know she might actually get lost though. I started heading off towards the woods by our house. As I entered the woods I took a deep breath of the fresh air. My head shot sideways as I heard the leaves rustling. With that a giant wolf trotted beside me. "Leah? Wait if your phasing that means that the others could too...well that means.." my sentence trailed off with the howl of a wolf and a scream. "MAGGIE!" I yelled as I took off into a fast sprint.

Word Count:800
OMG HI!! I'm really sorry I haven't updated I've had a lot to do! idk why people even read this cause I suck at writing but thank you soooo much to the people that have!
Love ya <3

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