Chapter 1: Home

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Jacob's POV

*pit pat*

*pit pat*

I heard the pitter patter of the rain, falling on my windowsill. Sam was on a honeymoon with his wife in Honolulu, Hawaii so there wasn't much to do without all of our assignments when he is here. It was raining hard so I didn't feel like going outside or in the garage to fix up that old truck. So for the first time in forever I let my thoughts wonder without other people listening. Suddenly, I heard a car door slam outside. It couldn't be Dad because he can't go anywhere without my help. It wasn't Rachael or Rebecca; they hadn't visited in weeks. A yellow taxi was sitting smack dab in front of our house. A small girl scrambled out of the car, struggling to get her suitcase out. As soon as she turned around, I knew exactly who it was. The girl had dark brown hazel eyes and the same dark brown hair as me. Her jawline and nose looked exactly like mine. She even had the same dimple in her chin. Her tan skin stood out against the white shirt she was wearing. It was my youngest sister, Maggie. Maggie had left home when she was about 5 and started going to a boarding school in California. The school only went up to 8th grade which meant she was coming home to go to High School. Wow... high school... last time i saw her she was 5 and now she's 13. I got up and burst out of the room. "Jacob? What is it?" my Dad, Billy, yelled at me. I ran to the front door and yanked it open. Maggie turned to face me and as soon as our eyes met she dropped her stuff and started running towards me. As soon as she reached me she jumped into my arms. "Oh man. You weigh a LOT different than when you were 5!" I said through a grin. "Yeah well I'm 13 now so I've put on a few pounds. But I really did miss you." she said. "So how was the boarding school?" I asked. "Ugh it was sooooo boring. Um Jake... are you ok? You seem kinda hot, do you have a fever?" she asked putting her hand against my forehead. "Um maybe... but I'm sure I'm fine." I said while setting her down and going to pick up her stuff. If only she knew........

Maggie's POV

"Um yes the big red one on the left." I said pointing to the big red house. It looked so different since the last time I had been there. I had left when I was 5, about 2 weeks after Mom died. I hadn't seen Rebecca, Rachael, Jacob, or Dad since then. What if they forgot about me? No!  my mind urged my head not to think that. They were my family after all. They couldn't forget me. "Hello? Little lady are you awake?" the big man driving said "We're here. By the way that'll be $22.70" he scoffed. I gave him his money and thanked him. I got out of the car and slammed the door. As I was struggling to pull my suitcase out of the trunk I noticed someone in the window so I turned to face it. I guess it was nothing. I pulled my suitcase up the cracked sidewalk. Man did I miss this old house. When I was halfway up the driveway the front door flew open. I immediately knew it was Jacob. We had almost exactly the same faces and hair. I let go of my suitcase and started sprinting toward him. Once I reached him I jumped into his arms. "Oh man. You weigh a LOT different than when you were 5!" Jacob said through a grin. "Yeah well I'm 13 now so I've put on a few pounds. But I really did miss you." I said sincerely. He asked me how the boarding school was. I could've answered it so many ways but instead I just said "Ugh it was sooooo boring". Jacob's skin was searing hot. "Um Jake...are you ok? You seem kinda hot, do you have a fever?" I asked. "Um maybe." he said whilst putting me down "but I'm sure I'm fine". He picked my stuff up and hand in hand we walked inside.
OMG thank you guys so much for reading!!! please tell me what you think so I know what to change! ok bye!!!!!
word count: 718

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