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Jignesh's P.O.V
She stared at me first when I entered the room unannounced and she frowned at me even my brother didn't care but this woman stared at me as if I sneaked inside her bedroom secretly .
I shouted at her and waited for tears to roll down from her cheeks but instead her face grew red she spoke to me harshly " I wonder how you manage a big company like this with so much of ego and only ur unpunctuality made me advice u and learn to accept ur fault sir .... and I believe this is ur cabin u can enter it anytime but please behave like a modernman not like a caveman and please don't underestimate women ... and please behave in a manner that ur employees don't criticise you ... employees are not slaves. I don't care if u fire me ... I will not mind it ... but u were not punctual and wasted my precious time and so I adviced u through ur H.R.M .
Before I could reply her my brother stopped me " Miss. Prakash I apologise to you on behalf of my brother ... please wait outside ... jiggy I want to talk to you " . Miss prakash replied to my brother " sir please don't apologise to me sir for ur brother's mistake sir ".and after telling this she left the room casually without seeing me .
I was really surprised so much of attitude for an young woman and how can an new employee behave like that with the boss. I was dumbstruck and I couldn't speak back.
I said to my brother " see how much arrogant she is and her attitude is too bold, we can't handle such an employee ... I am going to fire her".
" Wait " , my brother began to speak " she is really very brilliant and very confident, see her c.v.... and her records ... such an brilliant analyst will demand so more salary but she is humble and not even spoke an word against me and didn't demand anything... it is your mistake jiggy ... u should be punctual and u made the room for her to advice you ... if u want fire her u do it ... I will employ her in our propety management company and use her talent".
I was stunned because my brother never recommended any person .. I went through her records .... really amazimg ... so much talent for an unexperienced, young woman wow ! ! ! now I understood her talents gave her the confidence to speak to me like that . I agreed with my brother to appoint her and I really wanted to know more about her and also hurt her ego and make her realise my power .
My brother summoned her ... she gently opened the door walked elegantly with a style in her walk and sat before us and she gave a blank look towards me. My brother began to explain the procedures and asked her to be in the team which was responsible for the whole Patel group of companies ... the team had the most talented employees of our company and only experienced employees were the team members.
She was speaking with my brother and explaining something moving her hands in the air and her face was full of expressions and she was smiling like a brilliant chid with innocence. She had dusky complexion with oval face ... her big Black eyes resembled black pearls and the chubby cheeks , her sexy lips will tempt men to kiss her and her long straight and dense black hair made her more pretty ... she was a chubby girl with curves ... she was a pucca south indian... her traits proved it . Wait I am admiring this gal ... she was average looking but still something made me admire her and I hated her but still something made me to know more about her .
They finished their conversation and she shook hands with my brother and stood up with a smile and greeted me goodnight with a small smile.
She left the place but still her thoughts lingered in my mind .....

I felt some strange bonding which made me hate myself.

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