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Mahilchi P.O.V

After those idiots left I sighed in relief , I became determined that I should never cry again thinking of Karthik and Supriya and I have other priorities in my life, I have to fulfil my ambition . I didn't want to go home and be gloomy . I rode my vespa towards my office again .

But what if Vidya bumps into me again , think Mahi think , who cares I have no fear or hatred now even if I meet her I will be comfortable . I soothed myself . I don't care she is my past .

I entered the office it was lunch hour . All my colleagues were busy chatting and eating in the dining. Surbi my colleague bumped into me she was surprised

" hey Mahichi ..."

" Oh surbi .... it is Mahilchi and not mahichi ."

" Ooops sry your name is like a tongue twister ..."

I rolled my eyes .

" Ok , what are you doing here you took a day off ? "

" Yeah but there is no need for it now "

" Oh ok everything alright "

" Yup everything is good" , I smiled brightly to assure her.

" Alas you smiled with real happiness in your eyes ."

" Yup after a long time I am feeling light and happy ."

I hugged her , she is one of my few friends in this office. She hugged me back and ran towards dining to have her lunch and waved me bye.

I had no appetite , I went to my table to complete the assignments, Mr.Rishi will be back tomorrow and I don't want to stress him without completing this .

I sat on my chair . I felt something shaking under , me , oops... it is my chair before I could think I fell down crashing .


I walked out to see Raheemji . I opened the door of his and his teams arena ; the sight before me made me run and also laugh . Ms.Prakash fell down from her chair , in a very clumsy manner .

She had messed the table , all her belongings were all over the floor scattered , her hands were full of blue ink and the funny part was she was on the floor , her legs were in one direction and her hands over her head . She was like a kid , fallen off from her cycle . She didn't notice me and cursed in Tamil something .

I laughed out loud , I knew it is not a good manner to laugh at someone who is in pain but she made me forget good manners . She heard me and quickly sat up and sprained her hip , that ached my heart because of me she has sprained herself . She stared at me and mumbled something angrily under her breathe. She was cute .

" I am in pain you are laughing . Hmmmph "

I didn't answer her . I kept my face normal and extended my hands she breathed out and was about to take my hand but I took it back immediately , her hands were full of ink I hate my hand being dirtied . She widened her eyes and shook her head motioning " what " .

I pulled her upper arm and carried her she was surprised she frowned and was about to push me I stopped her .

" Wait your hands are full of ink don't touch me ."

" You don't touch me drop me down I can stand . "

She ignited my anger . I am helping this mad woman but she is yelling at me so I dropped her . She fell down again.

" What the???? .... are you mad Mr.Patel?"

" Mind your words miss , I tried to help you but you refused it as if I tried to harass you !."

" no I didn't think so but I asked you to put me down gently"

" Sorry you didn't use the last word when you first requested me ".

" Muruga ... the ink can be washed please lift me I can't get up."

I sighed ; why God made me come into this room now ? My soft corner made me extend my hand . She twisted her lips .

She took my hand , I pulled her up. she bent down to pick her things , I helped her to pick the things, she didn't even thank me , no courtesy . I was about to leave. She just gave me an angry look .

The wheel of the broken rolling chair was behind my feet I didn't notice it I tumbled and she tried to save me but we both landed on the floor I tried to protect her , it ended scandalous.

I was on the floor , she was on me her hands were over my shoulders my hands on her waist and back .

Our lips were inches apart , as if we were about to kiss . I could feel her soft body , my mind remembered her in that short dress it aroused me . Her brown eyes made me speech less my lips itched me to kiss those plump juicy lips of hers her small waist triggered me to hold her tight and close .... I felt it immoral but we both were in pain , I couldn't push her up she couldn't pull me up. I don't want to be a pervert in her eyes by doing ... what my mind was nudging me to do , it was like hell to control myself from touching her .


The scene became more clumsy and disgusting , I was over the man I hated . I was so close to him my fingers could feel the hard contours of his body it was soothing and warm , our breathing was rhythmic my lips were inches apart to his lips. His silky hair on the forehead made him handsome my hands itched to tuck it and feel it . I shooed the thought immediately.

His eyes were locked on mine I tried to get up ... muruga my stupid body was aching and I couldn't do it . Someone opened the door . Ooops ...!!!!

It was Mr. Jai Patel and Mr.Raheem their eyes widened in surprise .

They would have thought we are making out because there was no mess around us to prove we had tumbled down and we were so close, that intimacy would bring wrong thoughts in their mind .

Jignesh quickly stood up and made me stand , I threw deathly glare on him but he was not affected by my glare or these two gentlemen's presence . He walked out of the room passing them without even saying a word . Idiot he could have atleast explained what happened , this will make them think the other way only . I stared at them
Jai coughed , to bring me back to consciousness .

They both handed the shares and debentures ledger discussed about it and left the place thank god they didn't ask anything about that .

Murugaaa... I was angry I sat down again very cautiously . I recalled what happened surprisingly it made me smile instead of frown.

The day ended again with a smike for me but I felt uneasy more he saw me in an very short dress and today we were almost about to kiss. I don't know this man but I had been so close to him physically . I sighed it was all accident mahi brush it off . But I don't know how I will face him again. The good thing was none of my colleague saw us in that position, or else the scene would have become the talk of the town .

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