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The bright sunlight and my loud alarm woke me up ... it was 7.00 and I have to be in office at nine , I got up quickly and rushed for a quick shower .

After the shower I opened the cupboard , I took fifteen minutes today to select this blue kurta and red leggings , then I applied eyeliner , kajal and checked my reflection on the mirror and I felt good , I wanted to look good and yes I am looking very good .

I lit the lamp before the idol of my lord Murugan and prayed and applied some thirneer and kumkumam ( hindus apply these powders after prayer) .

I went to the kitchen and prepared some coffee , bread toast , omlette and quickly finished it all, I was really hungry and I packed some toast for my lunch and I saw my watch it was already eight fifteen ... oops .. I will be late ... New Delhi 's traffic is really bad , I rushed and locked the door and ran down the stairs and took my yellow piaggio vespa and wore my helmet and started the engine .

I halted my vehicle , after half an hour before my new office . After parking it I entered the big building , all the newbies were waiting for instructions and the senior staffs were helping them , an old man with grey hair , wearing a plain white shirt and black pants came towards me and asked " are you miss.mahi.... mahilchi prakash ".
Gosh ... when these delhiwalas will pronounce my name correctly.

" Yes , sir I am miss .mahilchi prakash , it is ma - hi - l - chi sir ... please pronounce it this way " I said smilingly so that this old man would not be hurted .

" Oh I am sorry young lady , mahilchi , am I right ".

" Yes sir you are right , may I know your good name sir ".

" Oh yeah , I am Raheem Malik , the chief analyst here and they told you are the newly appointed analyst and you are going to work in my team , congratulations young lady I saw your performance, amazing you are truly talented I am really pleased with your performance I expect this to continue ".

" Oh thank you so much sir !! I am overwhelmed by your words , it is my pleasure to work under an man like you sir ".

" Ok come with me , we will work with an team of five people in an single room , I shall introduce you to others and others to you then I will tell what work you have to do ."

I followed him he took me to an large room , there was an black majestic oval table in the centre four computers at the corner of the room , there were few cupboards there were four people working and chatting on their private tables and their heads turned towards me , all of them were middle aged , three men and one woman were my team members , they smiled at me and we introduced each other.... hmmm.... it was a warm welcome , there was a large glass window my private table was located near it , nice place. I sat there and studied the files given to me and uploaded them in my system .

After an hour I lifted my head and saw around , everyone were busy with their documents and I peeped through the window I saw jignesh coming out of his car and shit my brain remembered that stupid dream now , I shook my head in disbelief , I cursed myself for dreaming about that man and remembering that now... ufff ...I am going to avoid contacting him , thank god my work did not demand seeing him often , Mr.Raheem only had that work of contacting this man on behalf of our team.

After three minutes an announcement was given through the public speaker , that all employees had to assemble in the meeting room within fifteen minutes .

My teammates and I went upstairs and we went inside the airconditioned hall there were nearly 500 people assembled the hall had space for 1000 people , a very big hall , the staffs instructed the new employees to be seated in first three rows . I sat on the third row the other two rows were quickly filled . There was a stage with four chairs , a long table , after ten minutes , Mr .Jai patel entered the room all the employees stood up then an old tall man with grey hair wearing a tuxedo entered the room , his face was like a ironed paper , very stiff , he walked up the stage and smiled at us all his looks told me he was the father of Jignesh and Jai . Mr.Raheem also occupied the stage I knew from this , that Mr.Raheem is an important person in this company . We were asked to be seated , the three men sat down and still one seat was vacant it must be Jignesh's seat I guess he is late again . The hall was filled with people and it was dead silent.

Mr.Jai said something in the old man's ears and he answered very loudly that even I could hear it , "Don't wait for him , start it now ".
He said it angrily .

Mr.Jai stood up and went near the mike he welcomed us then addressed the gathering and said it was a formal meeting to make the new employees know the rules and regulations of the company he introduced the old man as his father Mr.Rishi Patel then introduced Mr.Raheem after that he told us about the history of Patel Group Of Companies , the lights were switched off and an presentation was shown which elobrated the principles of the company .

The silence was disturbed suddenly , the door was opened and I could see the silhouette of a very tall well built man , the lights were switched on , I saw the face which i wanted to avoid ,it was Jignesh ,
the latecomer I chuckled in my mind . All of us stood up.

He walked in with a sarcastic smile and his shoes made sound as he walked and his father stared at him , any man will run away seeing that deadly glare but Jignesh did not mind it , he sat in the vacant seat like the king and signed us by waving his fingers to sit down , mannerless buffoon . His eyes looked at me suddenly and he gave a peculiar smile towards me " muruga !!!!what is this smile for , okay don't worry mahi , you are capable of handling idiots like this .

(P.S - hey lovely people thanks for your support , please keep voting and shower your love . Drop ur thoughts as comments. Love you all .)

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