Too Much

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You were always a fascinating person of 'too much'. Your face was always crinkled up in a roaring laugh and you drank too much alcohol for a woman your size. You danced too much to music that was too loud, always giving the neighbours something to complain about. You loved food and drink too much and always burned a hole in our pockets with all that chocolate and wine you consumed. You wore too much perfume, but I loved it because the house would smell of lavender and traces of it would catch onto my clothes, and work would smell of you. You loved too much, so much that it broke my heart to watch you watch a sad movie because I knew that you gave your heart and soul into their pixel lives. You had too much friends and it always startled me to see a random person sleeping on our couch, their home for the night because apparently, you have made a friend yet again and they needed a place to stay.

You cried too much and I crumbled completely every time you did. You needed too much, and it suffocated me at times, but I always realised that I needed you just as much and the choking feeling would disappear. You would leave too much, sometimes without a trace, but you would always come back, smelling of new places and missing me as much as I had missed you. You were sad too much and it was the most helpless feeling when nothing I could possibly do would make those ruby lips curve up. You were sick too much, and those were the days when my eyes could barely close to sleep because my worry for you would bubble up to my throat like bile.

We lost too much money but I had you and you had me and we were all we ever needed.

Now I miss you too much because how can I ever replace the 'too much' with nothing? Too much is lost from my life and I will never get it back.

I loved you too much but I don't ever regret it.

You have changed me too much and I will never be the same again.

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