20: To the end.

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A/N: from the comments i got i think a lot of you have been stressing about this one.. so here we go.

enjoy the beginning.

also, i assure you, this is /far/ from the end. we're only a little more than halfway done rn folks.

edit: here's a playlist i made while thinking of the roadtrip!



Frank had no idea what time it was - all he knew was that it was still dark outside. The old feeling of stickiness was fresh on his skin, but oddly enough he felt okay. Comfortable, that is. It didn't bother him anymore.

Zero was burrowed into his chest, and he could feel the gentle puffs of warm air on his collarbones as they dozed quietly. The only sounds Frank could hear were the crickets chirping outside and Zero's nasally snores.

A glint of something white outside the window made Frank turn his head, as he caught it out of the corner of his eye. He looked out the window and saw a light snow beginning to fall.

It's about time, he thought absentmindedly.

It had been unseasonably warm so far for this time of year, and not a single bit of snow or ice - until now. Frank shrugged it off, his mind still groggy, and turned back around to nuzzle his face back into Zero's soft hair. He sighed contentedly and shut his eyes, trying to command himself to go back to sleep before he had to start driving again.

Unfortunately, sleep never came, and now the morning light was beginning to peek through the trees and filter into the car. Frank stretched his stiff arms and back and let out a groan. Zero whimpered in their sleep and made an effort to snuggle even closer to him, wiggling their way into the tiny space between Frank's side and the seat of the car, practically trying to get underneath him.

"Zerooo..." Frank yawned, "It's time to get up..."

He rubbed his eyes, brushing the sand out of them and trying to push the drowsy feeling away too. He gave them a gentle smack on the hip and let out another gaping yawn.

"Let's go."

Zero grumbled and turned away, covering their head with the blanket. Frank chuckled and leaned over them, pulling the covers back and trailing feather-light kisses along their neck. They grumbled again.

"I looove youuu..." he murmured into their shoulder.

They let out a quiet giggle and Frank knew that had woken them up. He grinned, and nuzzled his nose into the crook of Zero's shoulder. They laughed even harder at the tickly feeling, and playfully tried to push his head away. Of course, this only made Frank cuddle them even more. He gave them a rough, wet kiss on the cheek, and one final one on the lips, then backed away and went to climb into the front seat.


"I'm driving honey..." Frank called back in a sing-song voice.

He turned around to look at them, and snickered when he was met with the sight of just Zero's round chubby face peeking out from the pile of blankets.

"You can go back to sleep sweetheart, I was just playing."

They made a mock-pout face at him.


"I gotta drive, babe."

Zero huffed and nodded, barely even moving their head, but Frank caught it. He felt a twinge of guilt, but turned back around in his seat and started the car nonetheless. He knew they were just playing too.

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