Case 1 - Death By Chocolate

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"Hey Benjamin, I know it's difficult having to see Frank die and all, but I'm sure you'll be okay, after all, there's still work to do.' Andrea winked at Benjamin and walked towards her desk.

'Now, we had a call from a girl who only calls herself, Bunny. She said she saw something suspicious down at the chocolate factory, get over there quickly and find out what it was!'

Amy chimed in, 'Hey Benjamin, did you hear?! I got ranked up to detective! Now you and I are on the same level.' Commissioner Benjamin just laughed, Amy was only made a detective, but Benjamin had been a Commissioner for many months now. There were actually talks of his rank increasing, but such an action never occured.

It was a quick drive to the chocolate factory, as the La Creme district was quite small, and thus everything was bunched together. Both stepped out and went to look at the inside, everything seemed normal, except it was a mess.

'What did that girl call us here for?' Amy said, puzzled. 'There nothing here but... AH DEAD BODY.' Benjamin walked over to the corpse, and snapped on his gloves. And sure enough, this man was dead. 'We should ship him to Roxie right now, and look around for further clues. And while we're at it, we should find Bunny and have a talk with her.' Amy left to try to find Bunny while Benjamin searched for clues.

'Ah the classic.' He said, picking up some torn paper, 'how about this too.' He picked up a bloody cloth and a faded paper. He pieced the paper back together using some sticky tape, and it clearly was an I.D.

'So our victim is named Toby Lerone? And he was an employee here at the factory. So we should probably talk to the factories owner, Tyrone Lerone. Let's go find him.' Benjamin said with a look of determination on his face.

'But first!' He pulled out his dusting kit and ran it over the paper, it said, 'I'll get you yet Toby!' And it was signed by Adam Massey. 'Amy we should go find this Adam, and give him a right talking to. A threat like this, puts him high on the list.'

He took the cloth and ran it under his microscope, the molecules looked weird, not something he could determine. 'Better ship it to Yann.' He said as he sent it off.

Meanwhile a young lady entered the building, only to be stopped by Amy...

'Stop right there! Who are you and why did you come here?' The girl flipped her long brown hair and laughed... 'Bunny, we spoke on the phone.' She smirked and walked towards them.

'So I was wondering, do you know our victim?' Amy asked. 'You mean the guy on the floor? Never seen him in my life...' She smirked and walked away again. As if nothing had happened, very suspiciously.

'What was her problem?' Amy asked, annoyed. 'Did it not occur to her that a man died, or does she not care because she is the reason. We'll see soon enough...'

The duo climbed the stairs to the factories main skybox, to try to find Tyrone, and there they were, two men with dark brown hair! And they were fighting, Amy stepped in front of them and put her hands out, trying to pull the two apart. She breathed heavily then raised her voice.

'Cut it out right now! Both of you! Commissioner Benjamin will have to you soon... Ugh Benjamin I'm glad that's over. So who do you wanna talk to first.' Benjamin thought deeply about this... Adam or Tyrone... For you see, Adam was an old teammate of Benjamin's but he went rogue after Frank's death. It'd be tough to speak to him again after all this time.

'Tyrone.' He said deeply. Not even looking at Amy, they both walked towards the right room and looked at Tyrone. He was sitting with his legs crossed looking down at a sheet of paper.

'Let's make this quick ey, I got a meeting for the newest product of the factory. It's made with new ingredients.' Tyrone winked at Amy and she blushed, she seemed smitten. Benjamin wasn't buying it.

Criminal Case - Days After Frank - La Creme DistrictWhere stories live. Discover now