Case 2 - Drop Dead Gorgeous Chapter 3

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There was Jake, the biologist pointing a gun at them.

"Stop right there you two, if anyone's gonna stop him, it'll be me!" He stated with a devious grin.

"Jake stop!" Lance cried out reaching for his gun, but Jake took a shot, knocking the gun to the ground. Jake took off towards the strip club.

"Oh god we'd better get over there, who knows what could happen..." Lance said looking worried, the two scurried to the car and sped to the club where they found a frightened Minnatoualla outside.

"Minna!" Lance called. "What's going on in there?!"

"Well I headed in to give in my resignation and a man in a lab coat burst in and threw a phial at my boss, I ran out before I could see what had happened. But I'm scared, more scared than I was at the last parade when a float burned." She said scared.

"Thank you Minna." Lance smiled. "You've been a great help. But sadly this brings us no closer to finding our killer, Alley has an excuse but no one else. Anyway let's get in there and stop Jake from whatever he's doing." The two ran to the office where Jake was standing holding a weird looking gun filled with all sorts of elixirs. He turned and fired one at Lance, who immediately froze on the spot. Only to be knocked out by Dr Bullseye, who smashed a bottle over his head.

"Thank god for that, he just wouldn't give in." Said the Dr. "But he's neutralized for now."

"So what was that about?" Benjamin asked.

"Oh right, we've been lifelong rivals, we met at the Rhine Canyon convention. And I must say. It's a little worrying, because while we were there, we found a chest, filled with paintings and jewels, worth millions, and we buried it, with a map that can only be located once all three keys are slotted into a lock, I have one, Jake has one and Roland has the other. I guess Jake wanted me dead so he can get the final key." He said.

"So what's the plan now that Roland's dead." Benjamin sternly inquired.

"Well Jake and I were to meet at the Crocoras Mountains parade to exchange thoughts and cross off Roland's name. But now I'm just too scared to do it, but thank you for helping me, you might wanna neutralise Jake before it's too late." Benjamin sent Jake and Lance to the lab to get fixed as he finished filling out profiles.

"Well what now? I have no partner, and three suspects with alibis, so what now, I guess now that Lance is gone I can go talk to Agrobale with no more interruption." He walked over to the young girl.

"You know Minna, you've been pulled into this investigation, yet I have no clue if you even know the victim, does the name Roland Triumph mean anything to you?" He asked.

"Is he the man, with the assistant named Jessica?" She asked, looking a little frightened.

"Yeah, that's him, so tell us how do you know him?" Benjamin asked, concerned.

"Ugh, I was 10 and he wanted to meet some budding bakers, I was the only one in my class." She broke down into tears and Benjamin held her.

"I think I know where you're going here, and I'm happy you told me." He handed her a piece of paper. "On this sheet is a local bakery who's hiring, you should go and apply." He winked at her and she smiled, running out of the door in glee.

"Well that was interesting." He said, scribbling down notes. "So did Golern not know that Triumph was a paedophile? I guess I should interrogate her again..."

Benjamin headed outside only to find Jessica was nowhere to be found, he drove to the biology lab and still nothing so he drove back to the La Creme Factory, where everything had started, and there she was, sitting in the snow, sobbing like a river.

"Jessica, remember me?" Benjamin said sitting down.

"I think remembering you is the least of my problems, I spent 6 years following Triumph, defending him at every turn, I'm 16 and stuck in corporate politics! What life is that to have?" She said, tears in her eyes.

"Well now that he's gone, does that mean you can move on? Now you can have a good life, maybe go back to school, or something like that." He suggested.

"Maybe, but I can't just sit here and keeps this bottled up. Roland was a sex offender, he abused 8 different children, me and Minnatoualla included, I guess now that it's over we can begin to move on, but his mistake will live on through all of us... And that will never end, I'm sorry, I should get going, before I get too upset." She said as she walked into the factory, leaving Benjamin looking mortified behind her.

"Well if anything can be done now, I guess I should be heading to the club, to catch the killer, he's disgusting but he's still a human being, to the club..." He said, as he walked towards his car. "But really who is the victim here?" He thought along the way. Upon arrival at the strip club he immediately noticed a Power Drill in the trash, covered in blood.

"A... A drill?!" He said shocked. "With the murder method I wouldn't be shocked if this is the murder weapon!" He said stuffing it into his car. And he stepped inside, where he saw a strange red liquid on a glass, he picked this up too. He raced back towards the lab and handed the items to Yann, and went to the recovery room to check on Jake and Lance, who seemed to have both woken up.

"LANCE!" Benjamin cried, running over to hug him. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Well I wouldn't be with you." He said hugging him tighter.

"I learned so much about our suspects, maybe we should go over the notes while we wait for Yann." Benjamin suggested.

"Well first one thing." Lance said as he leaned forward.

"What is it?" Benjamin asked. To which he gasped, as Lance planted a firm kiss on his lips, Benjamin blushed and kissed him back. "Well that answers that." He said as he stepped back. "Back to the case though now."

The two headed to the lab, and knocked, but no answer. The two opened the door and walked in, but no one was there. There was a note on the table.

"Benjamin, sorry about this but me, Roxie and Hannah have had to head out. But enclosed are the details I have procured.

Firstly, the murder weapon was covered in the victim's blood. But that's not all, looks like our killer left behind a few skin cells. Which I was able to run under my microscope. This lead me to an interesting discovery, the killer is definitely a man.

Next, the glass, this was an easy one, it was coated in blood! And only partly your victim's, with this I can confirm the killer has brown eyes!

Good luck Benjamin.


"Well my good man, I guess it's time, let's go catch a killer!" Lance said with enthusiasm.

Now it's up to you! Chose a following chapter to arrest the killer of your choice.

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