Case 1 - Hannibal Elector I

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Russell and Benjamin were finishing filling out the reports for this case, reviewing information and checking off details, but something caught Russell's eye, a small detail from Roxie's report that was very troubling.

'Uh Benjamin? You see this?' Russell said with a puzzled expression. 'It says the victim was missing his feet, but we never found them. So I guess we aren't done. But if we are to find them. Where should we start?' Russell looked through files and then back at Benjamin. 'Well the best method for starters is to talk to his killer. Let's go see Tyrone Lerone!' The two drove to the local prison and went to his cell.

'So Lerone, you killed your son.' Russell said to him apathetically. 'But one piece of the puzzle is missing, and by that I mean his feet.'

'What?' Tyrone gasped. 'When I left his body it was all there, I know I killed him, but I wouldn't be as sick as to remove part of his body. Sorry but I wish I could help, maybe check where he was found? I don't know from memory, but there could always be a clue.' The two left his cell.

'While I hate him he is right, we may find more clues back at the factory, let's go.' The two took off for the factory, and began to check around for clues, there was a weird looking pile near the big central vat, a pile of rubble in a factory had to be a clue, so Benjamin walked to it and began to sort through it, at first it just seemed like old bits of metal, but then, something caught Russell's eye.

'Benjamin, are those bones!? Better send to Roxie, right away!' Russell put them in a ziplock bag and took them to Roxie. She did some tests and did a virtual reconstruction and she was pleasently surprised.

'Well, this would be the time to get excited, as I have incredible news!' She exclaimed. 'These are the victim's feet, or should I say, the remains. The more troubling news is that the flesh by eaten, by a human! Looks like a cannibal is in action. Sadly a saliviric sample wasn't enough to show me a suspect but I found some dirt, with a sample of blond hair. Maybe that can be helpful.'

Benjamin looked puzzled. 'Blond hair huh? Sounds like we should pay Cyrus Riley another visit.' The two took a drive over there and walked in, sitting down on the couch as Cyrus came down the stairs with a towel around his waist.

'What do you want now?' He groaned. 'As if seeing the man I love up and leave without a word, and then you having telling me he's murdered. It's annoying. Okay?'

'Actually Riley, we're here because the eaten remains of your.' He coughed. 'Boyfriend were found on the crime scene, and on it a hair, belonging to you. So. Hungry?' Russell chuckled.

'What!? Why would I eat someone? Are you dimented? You're interrogating me about some sick freak eating people while I'm nude. Can I at least get dressed?' The two nodded and let him off, they decided while they were here to look around and they found two items, one was a torn card and the other a candle with a weird liquid on the wick.

'So this candle looks strange, maybe we should send it to Yann. You should also try to piece back together this torn card. Maybe it'll take us another step closer to finding our cannibalistic friend.' Russell looked determined.

'So the card says, Roland Triumph. Mayor 2016. Maybe we should send it to Hannah? She might be able to find him.' Russell said, he texted Hannah the details and began to drive back to meet Yann.

'So this is it Benjamin, time to get some results.' Russell said opening the door. 'So Yann, what about that substance?' Yann lifted the candle and poured. The liquid poured really easily, and Yann just smiled.

'Benjamin, this is just water. I'm sorry but there's nothing here that can prove anything, what I can confirm though is that there is a genome in it that belongs to the homosapien, you're definitely dealing with a cannibal here.' Yann explained. 'It's troubling to say the least, cannibalism was eradicated in this district centuries ago, so I took the liberty of calling Hannah, who mentioned a legend, scarily this legend is of a cannibal who takes the feet of freshly killed prey. Eventually it is said to kill prey itself, but you'll now the difference, this killer will then consume the whole body. They call it. The Extreme Hamster. Since it's commonly refered to for it's obsession with cosplaying.'

'Well Russell. I guess there's no knowing what to do next.' Benjamin sighed, 'this person is unidentifiable at this moment, but we should follow our only lead right? Let's go see Hannah, she should tell us about Ronald Triumph, let's do this!' The two went to Hannah's lab.

'Well guys, as you'll see this is a mayoral candidate.' Hannah winked. 'I sadly can't hack something like that, since it'd be highly illegal, but I did find out his assistant's name..!'

Russell looked at her with a look of determination. 'Tell us!' He said strongly. 'Well...' Hannah said a little concerned. 'His assistant is Jessica Golern, the troublemaker. You should go see her. You'll find her now at... La Creamy Strip Club.' The two took a drive to the strip club, and saw a tall man white haired man and Jessica walk in. They ran across to it and past the guards only to see Jessica sitting alone.

'Hey Golern, this seems a little different from your usual statuates of the factory, why didn't you tell us you were a mayoral helper? Something you wanna hide.' Russell asked. 'Why are you here anyway?'

'Well I work for mr Triumph. And the girl was 'important' so he said, I don't understand it myself, but maybe you can ask him, as for why I'm here, why not? Roland gets his private sessions and I get to look at Dr Bullseye. He's so hot, and he owns this place, so I will keep coming back, again and again and again, now please go see him.' She smiled.

Russell and Benjamin opened up the curtain and went to find Roland, but when they opened up his curtain. 'He's dead!'

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