
16 1 6

I woke to a slow, stirile beat. I could feel my heart in my chest and I could barely breath. My body was tense, so very tense, like I would snap like ice on the hardwood floor.

Then I heard the pacing, quiet compared to the slow methodic beep next to me. One, two, beep. One, two, beep. Step, step, step, step. My head hurt, it pulsed with the rhythm of the room. A small groan escaped my tight lips, chapped.

Step step- The pacing stopped. Rapid footsteps ran out to earshot. I shifted ever so slightly, trying to get into a better position but I was too tense. It hurt. Everything started hurting, oh god did it hurt.

The rapid steps returned with more than one person along with them. Oh why did they have to yell? What were they even saying? I couldn't understand a word. Each syllable made my head hurt. I tried to speak but no sound came out, making me look like a dying fish. After a while of quiet commotion, people calmed and I groaned again. The pain went away quite a bit. It was more of a dull pain now.

I could finally move and I opened my eyes. Fuck, it was bright. I closed my eyes again against the bright light. I slowly adjusted, squint by squint. I groaned again as I turned my head.

"Che cazzo anche successo?" I asked, lifting a hand to hold my head. A gasp was heard from the foot of the bed. Or rather, a group of gasps "The fuck even happened?"

"Oh my god Connor, are you okay?" A German accented voice asked. I lifted myself up, propped up on my elbow as I looked at who was in the room with me. At this point it was obvious that I was in a hospital, not sure why though but the pain I had earlier was probably an indicator that it was pretty bad. The German was Gilbert and everyone from last night was in the room, save Eska, Matthias and Francis.

"Halt die Klappe, schmerzt mein Kopf." I snapped, groaning again. My head still pulsed harshly. Gilbert reeled back in slight confusion. I finally was able to look up at the group in front of me. "Shut up, my head hurts."

"Thank god you're okay," Alfred said. "We thought you were a goner!" That earned a smack on the head from Kristie.

"I, for one, knew that you were fine." The brunette said. "I mean, it's not like you broke every bone in your body." I didn't miss the glare she focussed on the other three. Niobe was sitting silently for once, observing everyone in the room. I didn't think it was such a big deal. I was in the hospital because of something serious so it was probably a little traumatizing. Kristie seemed to see where my gaze was set. "She saw you through the window." She explained. "Saw you hit the ground. She fainted and we had to take her to the hospital with you."

"Wait, what happened?" I asked, very surprised. Hit the ground? What?

"You mean you don't remember falling from the roof?" Kristie asked, bewildered at my statement.

"I did what now-" The memory of the roof came and hit me right in the face with truth. The cold wind, the slow descent, the bright red eyes. I paled and looked as if I had seen a ghost. Oh god. I froze with one finger held up in the air. Fear was covering my features and vision like a black veil of darkness. I could only see those eyes staring down at me, making sure I hit the ground.

My breath caught in my throat, constricting it as my memory froze on those eyes. The sky was a dark blue, casting a dim shadow visible to the naked eye. They were slim and certainly weren't very tall. They hung on the rail, leaning over so they could see me and those eyes. Those eyes I couldn't take my own brown ones off of. They were cold as ice while looking so bright.

The veil was lifted when someone shook on my shoulders. "Connor! Connor! Come on! Connor, are you okay?!" I snapped back into reality and saw Kristie shaking my shoulders, panic written on her face. I blinked rapidly like I had something caught in my eye. She sighed in relief when my eyes came back to life and backed up. "The fuck was that?" She asked, her words not fitting her mood.

"I- I-" It was hard to form words correctly in my fuzz. "I was pushed." I spit out in little above a whisper. A collective jump came from the onlookers. "I don't know by who but I was pushed."

"Explain everything from the beginning." Niobe chimed, finally speaking. Another jump came because of the silver belled words.

"So I went to the roof for some fresh air, right?" I started. They all nodded in agreement. "I was messing around, looking at the view. I was leaning slightly on the railing when I felt hands on my back. I turned around but by then I was already over the bar. It was too dark to see who it was but they- they." The words caught in my throat, unwilling to come out.

"Connor, come on." I heard Niobe whisper. I'm not sure how but no one else seemed to hear her.

"They had bright red eyes. Like, really bright. And they were slim." I finished, shifting in my hospital bed. The IV taped to my arm swung around a bit in protest. Everyone was satisfied with my answer, trying to figure it out. Gil flat out denied doing when he was confronted and I for one didn't think it was him. Toni said that him and Gil were drinking in the back so he had an alibi.

People entered and left. Eska, Matthias and Francis came back and the others explained what happened. All had to leave to pack up their bags. "We're leaving today because of the suspicion around." Gilbert had told me. "It isn't safe to stay where people could be pushed off buildings. I'll get your bags and you should be fine to leave tomorrow." Eska started yelling at Gil, telling him that Greenland was just fine to which he started laughing and ruffling the shorter girl's hair. She hit his arm as the two left the room. I fell asleep for a few hours then started reading on my phone. It was five past noon when Romeo and Lovino entered the room.

"What happened?!" Lovino demanded, making me have to explain over again. "That albino bastard is going to have his ass handed to him!" He insisted, to which I had to explain again the German's alibi. He sighed and crossed his arms childishly.

"Well at least you're okay." Romeo said with a bright smile on his face. He was a lot taller than Lovino and probably taller than Feli too. Where was Feli? "He's sick and traumatized. He saw you fall and was really scared. He thought you were a ghost!"

"I almost was!" I joked, earning a laugh from the taller Italian. Lovi rolled his eyes and the two left. I went back to sleep, no waking up until morning when we had to leave.


Word Count: 1211

Doctor's Note - ...



At least I didn't kill him! Be glad! I provide you with proper grammar and spelling and you barely give my anything in return! Listen you have til the next chapter to submit a pairing. Sorry if I don't pick yours because there's a complication. Further information: Connor is pan. Kristie is a lesbian. Niobe is bi. Hurry up and put in something! Masiyahan!

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