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I'd like so thank everyone who had been reading this book since new year's. It's really been a joy to write this for you guys, even if I don't have many reads right now.

I'd like to thank zararinnosora for always being there and giving encouragement and helpful advice throughout this project and becoming a good friend in a span of a month.

I'd like to thank BookBird1497 for being a big inspiration to write this book. I'm trying to make it as different as possible but as I read more of her awesome "Home" series I find that great minds think alike.

I'd like to thank AnimeSonicPony for putting up with me when I started this book at her house in the new year.

I'd like to thank AlexDelorme for starting to read this and giving encouragement in person when he began it.

But most of all, I'd like to thank my readers for voting and reading and commenting. You guys are the best for putting up with me. Thank you for being there.

My next book in the series, We're Not Afraid, will be up shortly. Thank you for reading. I'll see you later


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