Fencing Club

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I picked up my gear from under my bed. Heracles convinced me that it was a good idea to join a club. Well, he was a bit surprised when I picked up fencing but when he came to see me practice and nearly sliced his head off when he surprised me, he was confident I choose something I could handle.

It wasn't just me in the club, much to my own surprise. I entered the gym, holding everything I had gotten in a black duffel bag. I was early and the only two people that had already showed up were the instructor, Mr. Beilschmidt, and someone I couldn't recognize under the fencing gear. It was hard to make out any features when someone was wearing all white including a head mask with a mesh face covering.

The other student was sparring with Mr. Beilschmidt, and almost beating him! It made me wonder how long these two have practiced fencing. Their moves were so precise and exact, I felt like the odd one out.

"Rest." Mr. Beilschmidt called out, lowering his sword. His opponent did the same and went to the bench where a duffel bag and a water bottle were sat. I made my way to the bench and set my stuff down. I was already wearing most of the gear so I got the mask out of my bag and put it on, the same time, the unknown student took his off. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see.

"Feli?" There was that bouncy Italian, chugging down his water. He looked up at me and smiled, lowering the water bottle.

"Connor! I didn't know you liked fencing?" He said cheerfully. I chuckled a bit.

"Well it seemed interesting enough." I told him, picking up my fencing sword. "Can you spar me before class starts? And god easy on me, I'm new after all" He nodded and put his mask back on, picking up his sword

The two of us got into stance in the center of the gym. "On guard." Feliciano announced, then took a quick lunge at me. I dodged his attack on pure instinct, turning for ready and attacked. He dodged me as well. This went on and on, dodging and attacking. He stopped holding back and so did I. We full on attacked each other, trying to poke the heart of the other and not trying to get hit with the sharp point of the sword.

I slid in front of the sly Italian and lunged, poking his heart before he got the chance to move. He froze, looking down. I flicked the sword edge up and hit his clothed chin. He fell back out of shock.

Clapping came from behind me. I turned around to see Lovino, Romeo, Sadiq, Mr. Beilschmidt, Lukas, Emil, Gilbert, Antonio and Francis. I blinked a couple times in confusion before the clapping toned down. I turned around to tell Feliciano "Good game." but he wasn't there. Lovino must have noticed this as he went running to the bathroom, talking his stuff with him.

I was more than confused but then we set up sparring partners. Antonio and Sadiq were immediately at it when they were partnered up. Francis and Gilbert looked on nervously for a second before starting a spar of their own. Lovino came back and sparred with Romeo while Lukas and Emil were at each other's neck, going back and forth in Norwegian and Icelandic.

Mr. Beilschmidt had me spar with him and I was pretty good. Feli never came back, which seemed to worry Lovi and Romeo. I mean, I would worry if my brother left class abruptly and didn't come back so I didn't really blame them.

I was taking a break after a few successful spars when I heard Mr. Beilschmidt speak up. "Ludwig, what brings you here?" He asked. I turned towards the doorway to see said German with a book bag slung over his shoulder.

"Sorry for intruding Vatti." He immediately said. "Feliciano and Lovino forgot their lunch." He pulled two containers of pasta out of his bag. Lovi ran, sword in hand, and grabbed the pasta.

"Don't touch my food you potato bastard!" He yelled, then grabbed Feli's. "Feliciano isn't here. I'll bring his to him." Ludwig nodded and started to leave when I got an oh so great idea.

I ran up the German and pointed a sword at his back. "On guard." I demanded. He turned around, a confused expression on his face. I tossed him a helmet and sword which he caught easily. And we were off. Oh shit he was good. I had to beat him, I just had to.

I got nicked a couple times in my limbs, narrowly dodging prods at my chest. I was knocked of balance easily and turned around only to be hit in the chest. I groaned and fell back onto the ground.

"Not far, Mr. Beilschmidt must have been holding back!" I whined childishly. He chuckled gruffly.

"Well it's not like he wants to injure a student." Ludwig replied, smirking slightly.

"And you do?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow slyly.

"Well I never said I wasn't holding back." He answered. I rolled my eyes and kicked his feet out from under him. He fell on the ground with a thud, making me and Gilbert laugh once the older brother noticed.

Feliciano seemed to ignore me after that day but we ended up sparring partners the next club day. He seemed determined to beat me this time. He didn't hold back at all, and neither did I. I beat him even easier than last time, knocking him onto the floor the same way. He didn't want to talk to me at all and I never go t an explanation from any of the Vargas brothers. The other two also seemed reluctant to talk to me, and here I was wanting to get a pasta sauce recipe from Lovino. I eventually got the recipe but that had to be two weeks later at the least.

I was pretty lucky that I had contacts to use for sports or I'd be pretty screwed when it came to my vision. Still, I had a hard time getting them in and out, being that I didn't use them often. At least they were up to date.

Feliciano never actually beat me in a spar. I saw him try to practice with Ludwig and Mr. Beilschmidt. Of course, both went easy on both of us. I tried to practice with Gilbert but he laughed and messed up my hair before walking away. It became a mini competition between the two of us. He wanted to be me and I didn't want to be defeated. I trained a lot with those Germans, wanting desperately to beat them. I never really did but I got pretty damn good.

I brought Feli some pasta of my own, giving Lovino the credit for the sauce. He seemed to really like it but gave his brothers the rest and got back to trying to beat me. I was too occupied with beating the Italian to see if Romeo or Lovino liked it. I'll just bring sandwiches next time, those were easier to pack up.  


Word Count: 1193

Doctor's Note - Filler chapter again! *goes to find schedule book* You have no idea how much I try to make these things over 1k words. Takes a while man. I finished planning the next book, which is good. It's definitely going to be longer than this one, that's for sure. Anyways, this book is nearly done! Yay! Trust what I'm doing for you. Masiyahan!

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