chapter six

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Ambrose's POV

"I kissed you because..." I started.

I stopped mid-sentence, feeling as if I was unable to finish. Why had I kissed her? There was one obvious reason that pushed at the front of mind, but I did not feel like I was ready to admit that to her yet. Should I lie to her? Or should I just tell her the truth.

"I kissed you because I wanted to," I stated simply and plainly.

"What does that mean?" She was inquisitive, and she wanted to know more.

"The game grants that you ask a question and I answer it. Which I just did. Nothing in the game said that I had to give an explanation for my answer."

"Why are you so frustrating!"

"Mr. Linton that is hardly a proper way to talk to your employer. Shall I start deducting disrespectful speech from your wages?"

"Well, I didn't think kissing your employee was proper either, sir, but it seems as if you just like throwing proper out the door," She flung out her arms in a throwing gesture.

I could feel myself paling and I clenched my fist. I was angry, but she was right. Nothing about our situation was proper.

I took a few slow breaths and stood up from my seat, not wanting to discuss this any more.

"Is that it? Are you just going to leave?"

I turned and glared at her,"Mr. Linton you are really pushing my buttons."

She stood up to her full height and stepped closer to me, "Stop. Calling. Me. Mister!"

I already told you, while under my employ you are a mister!" I could feel my temper flaring, how many times would I have to explain this to her?

"We're the only one's here! And Karim, but he already knows the truth! Can't you just drop it," Her volume was rising and she was practically shouting now.

"Stop getting so animated...Mr. Linton, I think you need some sleep."

"I'll probably kill you in your sleep," She huffed.

"Then I shall deduct the cost for my funeral from your wages."

"Like anyone would come to your funeral," Lilly grumbled, folding her arms.


I was not one to show emotion, but I could feel my eyebrows knit together in confusion. Did she really think I was that horrible of a person?

"I'm sorry," Her features softened, "I shouldn't have said that."

"Is that your opinion of me? That I am so horrible a man no one would come to my funeral?"

Lilly shook her head, "No, no, that's not what I think. But, sometimes you're so horrible to me, and I don't understand why."

I felt every tense muscle in my body relax. This was the first time she had been vulnerable with her emotions towards me and I was quite taken aback. I felt myself wanting to tell her the truth as well.

"I do not mean to be horrible to you Mr... I mean, Miss Linton. I just find that it makes it easier."

Still smiling from my calling her Miss she asked, "Makes what easier?"

Ignoring my feelings for you.

I could not say that, though it was the truth.

"Everything. It makes everything easier."

Winter Getaway - A Storm and Silence FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now