Chapter 6

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Nialls POV

I pressed send on my phone

The message to Chris was delivered

I looked over at Liam

"Can I sleep here for tonight?" I asked him

"Niall you can stay here for however long you want" he said placing a hand on my shoulder

I smiled at the fact I had my mates to lean on

"Thanks man" I said heading upstairs to the guest bedroom

Your POV

I heard a knock on the door

I opened it to see Chris

I smiled happily

It's 3 a.m and Chris still came just because I needed him and I was so thankful for that

"Hey" he said leaning in to give me a hug

"Hey" I said back returning the hug

"Everything alright" he said into my ear still hugging me

His hot breath gave me chills

"Yeah I'm alright"

Lying of course cause I wasn't

He notice my smile was fake

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it

"Don't worry everything will be alright"

He said looking me in the eye

"No it's not he hates me chris!"

I yelled giving into him

He wiped my cheek with his thumb

Oh great I was crying!

"(Y/n) don't cry if he hates anyone it's me!" He said comforting me "look"

He said showing me his phone

I smiled at the sight of the message from Niall

Then read it and frowned

"He's really protective of you"

Chris said

"Yeah" I whispered

"So you want booze or what?"

I told Chris a little more happiness in my voice

"Yeah!pass one over here!"

~Many many many drinks later~

"(Y/n) look at me you are a beautiful beautiful girl and if Niall can't see that than he likes guys!" Chris slurred he was obviously drunk

"Awe thank you Chris your beautiful too" you slur getting closer to Chris you two were out of your mind drunk

"You really mean that?" Chris asked looking you in the eye

"Mhm if I was single I would be all over you"

You said looking him in the eye

" you could be single for a night"

He whispered to you

"Chris I can't cheat on ni-"

He put his finger over my mouth to quiet me down

"Yes you can" he said leaning into you

"Chris no" you said pushing him off

He drank more than you

He was hammered drunk

While you were still able to know right from wrong

"What why?" He said hurt


he shouted at you

I giggled "I know I did come on let's go upstairs and sle-"

"Have some fun" he cut you off again leaning on you

"No Chris sleep!!" You said to him pushing you off you

He was a horny bastard when he was drunk

You grabbed his hand and lead him upstairs

"Alright so we're going to sleep in the same bed..BUT WE'RE NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING! So don't try anything" I told Chris making sure he understood

"Alright whatever"

He quickly pulled off his shirt and unbuckled his pants to reveal plaid boxers

"Chris do you need any pants or?"

You asked him

"Nah I'm good I usually sleep naked but since you'll be in there with me I'm keeping the boxers on" he said climbing into bed

"Right" you said climbing in next to him

You turned off the light

"Night Chris"

"Night (y/n)" he mumbled

"Love you" he mumbled again

"Love you too" you said instantly

Wait what?

In a friendly way..

Yeah!friendly way

I can't love him like that I

Have a boyfriend that

Cares and loves me

He wi-

Your thoughts we're cut off by a pair of

Protective arms grabbing your waist and pulling you into him

You then fell asleep cozy

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