Chapter 8

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Nialls POV

I was in a good mood

I wasn't gonna flip out on him

But I had to

I told him to stay away from her

And yes maybe telling him that I was going to 'fuck' him up was out of line

But if he doesn't know how to

Stay away from other guys girlfriends

Then someone has to teach him the consequences

I also read he does pot and I don't want him pressuring (y/n) into smoking it with him

I made it to the door of me and (y/n)'s flat

I knocked

She quickly opened the door

"Hey Niall!" She said joyfully her smile was as vibrant as always and she was as beautiful as always

"Hey babe" I said going in for a hug

She hugged me back

Her arms wrapped around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist

I forgot all about that Chris dude

"I'm sorry for barging out last night I was just so jealous that you got matching tattoos with him" I whispered into her ear

"I'm sorry that I ignored you when you tried to make me stay and went out with him to go get the tattoos" she said back to me

I pulled her closer to me if that was even possible

I cupped her face and leaned down to kiss her


Chris's POV

"Shit" I mumbled feeling my back pocket and front pockets

I left my phone in (y/n)'s room

I smiled thinking about how I woke up next to her in her room practically naked

And she didn't mind

I turned back around to the flat

Good thing I noticed it was missing before getting in the car and driving off

I walked the two flights of stairs

I didn't feel like using the elevator

I walked down the hallway to her flat

She lived in a really nice apartment complex most likely because her boyfriend is in the most successful boy band in all of history next to the Beatles

The door was slightly open so I decided to just walk in

My heart sank at the sight

Niall and (y/n) were practically eating each others faces on the couch

I coughed to get their attention

They didn't notice me standing right in the middle of their living room

(Y/n)'s eyes flutters open

She pulled away from Niall

"Chris!" She exclaimed causing her and Niall to look my way

"What are you doing here?" She asked getting off Niall and walking my way

"I left my phone in your room"

I said quietly

"Oh okay you wanna go get it?"she asked me quietly

"Yeah" I said

"Okay come on then"

She went up the stairs and I followed behind her

From the corner of my eye I could see Niall glaring at me

I walked into the bedroom

And she handed me my phone

"So Chris how much of that did you see?"

She asked nicely

"Well a lot...I thought he was coming over to talk?" I laughed

"Well yeah but things lead to another"

She said sitting on the bed motioning me to sit besides here

"Yep so do you think this is a bad time to ask about last night?"

I said sitting next to her and smiling

"No Niall can wait" she said

I smiled at that

"Alright story time then!"

I said laughing

She giggled and continued

"Well we started drinking a lot and well got hammered drunk then we started talking about getting another tattoo together and then that lead to a conversation about Niall and then you called me beautiful and if Niall couldn't see that he was gay and then I called you beautiful and you leaned into me trying to kiss me and I said no then we went upstairs and cuddled together then fell asleep"

I frowned "you said no to my kiss?"

She laughed "I would've taken the offer if I was single" she smiled

I leaned a bit into her and she leaned into me


"You have something on your cheek"

She giggled cleaning my cheek with her thumb

"Oh" I laughed

I was disappointed though...

"Hey (y/n) warp tour is today you wanna go see me and the other bands?" I asked


She replied I smiled

"Alright here you go" I said handing her a spare ticket I had

"Thanks" she smiled

"Your welcome so see you later?" I asked

"Defiantly" she replied going in for a hug

I obviously hugged her back

I embraced her for sometime I was reluctant to let go but I had too

"Well bye (y/n)" I said

"Bye Chris oh can you tell Niall to come up here?" She asked

"Yeah well bye"

I walked out the room downstairs

I looked around and Niall was in the kitchen eating a sandwich?

" hey um (y/n) wants you upstairs"

I told him

"Cool" he said taking a bite of his sandwich

I saw all the turkey he was eating


I'm vegan so that was a horror sight

"Can I ask what you two were doing up there so long?" He asked

"Talking,laughing.....and hugging"

I wanted to piss him off and annoy him

"Oh really?" He asked getting to the staircase

"Well hug her all you want...I can kiss her all I want"

And with that he went upstairs

I clenched my jaw

That really backfired...

I then let myself out of the flat

And got in my car,and drove off

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