Chapter 23

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Nialls POV

"Aw Niall what's wrong?"

Liam asked

Well he already knew didn't he?

Is he seriously asking this question?

"Being that I brought a slutty girl home last night and lost my virginity to her while you guys had all the power to stop me and lead me the right way but instead you just let it all happen then you can say everything Is wrong!!!"

I snapped

It came out so angry and frustrated

Probably because that's how I felt

But I didn't want to take it out on them

That's the last thing I want to do...


Liam asked in disbelief

While the rest looked dumbfounded behind him

We were all scattered around the guest room

Temporarily my room

Yes temporary I'm not staying here long

I want (y/n) back so bad...

"Mate...she took your..virginty?"

Harry asked from the floor

He was directly across from me

Just he was on the other side of the room while I sat next to zayn

Harry was turning a red color in his face

I guess because well we aren't very into talking about our 'sexual activity'

To each other

I don't know..

I guess with all these fan based ships it gets a bit awkward...


I said quietly trying not to let my tears fall even though

My puffy eyes red face and tear stained checks

Already gave away that I was crying my eyes out moments before..

Zayn simply put a hand on my shoulders

And gave me a sympathetic smile

Reassuring and kind too

To say he was to be always there for me....

Weird what a simple smile can say, huh?

Louis and Harry saw this while Liam

Just looked at his hands

In disbelief

I guess he was having a 'papa payne'

Or 'daddy direction' moment

I can only imagine what he was thinking

The boys all saw me as the youngest and most fragile one

They cared and look out for me so much

It was so motherly...

He's probably thinking of all the ways he could have stopped this

Or saved his little boy.

" you never 'had it' with (y/n) before?"

Louis asked in disbelief


I said again just a step above a whisper


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