Chapter 10

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Your POV

Even though he said a lot of shit about one direction you couldn't help but stare into those beautiful hazel eyes when he sang to you

"Cause I'm overly attracted and terribly convinced that she could

Be my princess

And I could be her prince

And I felt that way since

Since I saw Jane doe"

He sang looking straight at you

The song soon ended and they played 3 more songs and your stomach was filled with butterfly's

"Alright this is our last song!"

He shouted and the audience booed

"Come on guys! Be pumped for the next band! It's not one direction!'

They laughed and cheered again

"Cool! So this last song is for anyone who's ever been in love but hasn't been able to tell that person! I want you to sing your heart out if you know the's a bit of an oldie but I think you'll like it!" He said a hint of tiredness in his voice

"I'm a real big fan of yours"

He started gaining shouts and roars from the audience they loved him so much

And I gotta tell you he loves them back soooo much!

"But I'm quite the joke to you

But girl it wasn't a joke when you kissed me in your room

And replied 'I love you too'

I'm a little bit insecure

From all of this mistreatment"

The crowd sang along with him

As did I

He was smiling so bright As he sang

Soon the song ended

And he ran off stage

But not before saying how much he loves the fans and being thankful

"Can we go now?"

Niall asked

"You already got to see your boyfriend perform"

He added

"Boyfriend? Niall my boyfriend was standing right next to me the whole time!"

You yelled at him

"Sure whatever.." He said

"Fine if you wanna leave let's leave!" You shouted at him

"Thank god" he muttered walking towards the parking lot away from the stage

Besides you did get to see all your favorite bands anyways

"Let me go use the bathroom first"

You told him

"Alright I'll be in the car"

He said still walking not looking behind him

You walked towards the porter potties

Tbh you didn't have to use the bathroom

You wanted to find Chris and say goodbye and thank you for dedicating the songs to you

"(Y/n)!!" You heard a familiar voice shout

It was Chris he was motioning you to come into your guessing never shout never's bus

Without second guessing it you quickly run towards the bus

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