Chapter 16

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Chris's POV

I made it on time

Thank god!

I ran on stage with the guys

"Hello California!! How are you guys doing?!"

The audience roared

I smiled

These people are the reason I'm on stage and I'm so thankful for that

"Alright! So how many of you fell that there is no other place you should be other than right here at motherfucking warp tour!!"

The audience roared, shouted, yelled, and jumped around

"Hell yeah! Alright so this song is about running Californi-a"

I shouted into The mic

The crowd roared again as the beat to "California" started playing

Niall's POV

This sucks

It hasn't even been a full day and I already wanna go back home

To (y/n) and forgive her

And hold her in my arms

And kiss her and


Shouted Louis


I asked looking around

All the lads were here

"When did you guys get here?"

I asked confused

"About 15 minutes ago"

Harry said his voice was monotone

"We've been poking you, shaking you, and calling your name the whole time"

Said zayn

"Yeah I was starting to think you were dead"

Chuckled Louis

Making the other boys laugh

"Oh I guess I must have zoned out"

I said scuffling my hair up

"Well since you are now officially single the boys and I thought this would a perfect time to have a guys day!"

Liam said smiling with the other boys behind him their smiles incredibly white and wide

"The day after I break up with my year long girlfriend is a good day for guys night out?"

I said annoyed

"Well when you put it that way it sounds like a terrible idea!" Said Louis crossing his arms over his chest

"Just get changed!" Said Harry as he walked out the room with the others behind him except zayn

Instead he came towards me

Putting an arm around me

"You miss her don't you?"

He asked in his smooth voice

I've always wanted to be like zayn

He always seemed so cool and chill

And his tattoos so fascinating


Zayn is kinda like Chris in a way..

Cool, tattooed, chilled out, goodlooking...

"Niall mate you alright?"

He asked

I nodded my head

"Um I'm going to get changed so..."

I told him hinting that he should leave

"Oh yeah.."

He said Walking out the door and closing it behind him

I had a plan

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