VII. The Hunt

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He glared at the screen in front of him, a topographical map of Takodana spread out before him as he almost begged it to give up its secrets.

The spot marked in red was the location of Maz Kanata's former castle, now her pile of rubble.The large blue spots were the lake abutting it, as well as the other surrounding bodies of water. Mountains rose up on either side of the area, enclosing it into almost an egg-like shape, their peaks cresting above the densely wooded terrain. Outlined in purple was the path he had run while in pursuit of her.

That line traced all the way from the destroyed castle to a spot deep into the forest, but no so far as to reach the base of the mountains. Looking at the map made his temper begin to flare again, for all these coordinates they still gave him no idea where else on the 80 million square miles of Takodana she could be.

I must go back. He had decided this the moment he'd be forced to abandon the chase and come back to the ship, promising himself he would return within a fortnight to search her out.

By the time he had reached the bloodbath at the castle's ruins, he was furious and looking for any reason to unleash his fury once again.

When a nearby storm trooper had nervously approached him, telling him the droid had somehow been recovered by the resistance along with the map containing the coordinates to his uncle, Luke Skywalker's location, his anger was so severe that he immediately unsheathed his light saber and slew the trooper where he stood.

Looking down at the body with disdain, Kylo threw back his head and roared with fury. First, he had lost the girl in the woods because they had told him the task of their mission here was complete, only to return and find that it was not, that he had not only failed in recovering the droid but he had also abandoned his best chance at finding her for nothing.

"My Lord Ren," another hesitant storm trooper stepped forward and spoke up. "The girl we captured with the droid originally is still in our custody."

Kylo wheeled around to face him, his billowing black robes whipping around his menacingly with the motion, his heavy mechanical breathing and the still blazing lightsaber at his side made him look all the more fearsome as smoke from the ruins still rose in large clouds behind him. This storm trooper stood still with fear, bracing himself for the same treatment as the former.

"Take me to her," he demanded, and with that they boarded the ship, doors closing with a loud SWSSSSHH and they had taken off.

Interrogating the girl had not gone anywhere near as well as his efforts with the pilot, Poe Dameron. A Force user, though she had not be cognizant of it before now, she had been too strong even as a novice for him to probe her mind for the information he sought. She had challenged him too, reading pieces of his own mind in the effort to read hers, and spoken out loud his deepest fear: that he would never accomplish and surpass the greatness of his grandfather, Darth Vader.

This was nothing though in comparison to the verbal lashing he received from Snoke. To say their conversation was unpleasant would be an understatement, but he had still been too distracted with the almost overpowering desire to return and seek out the girl that he had not been as infuriated as he usually would have.

Hux had seemed very pleased with Kylo's misfortune, barely hiding his smirk at Snoke read him the riot act about his failure to obtain the droid and the information on how to find his uncle.

Kylo Ren took all of it on the chin, saying very little and trying his best to concentrate instead of allowing his mind to wander further, back to the woods in Takodana.

Back to her.

"Leave us General Hux," Snoke hissed, and Kylo's attention was redirected to his Master.

Obviously miffed at missing the opportunity to see Kylo punished, Hux saluted and marched out stoically, resenting his lack of inclusion as the two Force-users were left alone to confer again.

"Ren..." Snoke's voice was seething, "What is it that is so distracting you this time? I sense that you are not single-minded this evening, nor have you been since you returned from Takodana. Explain yourself."

Kylo raised his head to look at his Master, his expressions had betrayed him, and he knew it. Although there were very few people who could overpower him now to read his mind, he knew that Snoke was one of them, and so he had better come out with the truth or a very convincing lie.

He opted for the former.

"On Takodana I found the girl we spoke of. The one from my vision with my uncle so many years ago."

Snoke stiffened on his throne, leaning in closer. "And?"

Kylo swallowed, "She escaped me. I was chasing her when I received the word that the droid and the girl had been captured. I returned to my duty and abandoned the chase."

The silence seemed to stretch on and on as Kylo waited for Snoke's response.

"So you know where she is at last then?"

He shook his head, "No Master, I would have to return to Takodana search the area. It would likely not be easy."

"Then go, my apprentice, with my blessing. Go and retrieve this girl, and bring her here to me. There is much I wish to know about her."

"Yes, Master."

When Kylo turned to go, Snoke stopped him, "Wait!" he said, and watched Kylo turn again to face him.

"If this girl is everything the vision led you to believe, she will be a powerful ally for the Light side if she is found by the Resistance. That must not happen Ren. If she refuses to turn toward our cause, you must kill her."

Kylo's face was impassive, his stony expression did not show the hole he felt had just been ripped inside of him at the thought. How could he possibly?

"Of course, Master."

"You have three days to go and retrieve her, use them wisely," Snoke warned.

Kylo nodded his head and silence and turned to leave again, this time Snoke did not stop him, but sat on his throne, his hands pressed together in quiet contemplation.

Upon hearing the hissing sound of the doors shutting behind him, Kylo's pace quickened on his way back to his chambers. He was going back, he would find her for sure now, and he would bring her back here. He would learn everything there was to know about her and then bring her back here with him. Then he would understand all the secrets the Force had kept from him all these years. Then he would be free to embrace the Dark side without encumbrance once and for all.

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