XIX. The Interrogation

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Serela came to in a strange room, full of walls made of metal and bright electric lights above her. A persistent humming seemed to emanate from everywhere around her, the walls, the lights, the floor beneath her. It was unnerving. Immediately she tried to sit up only to find that she was held on a cold, metal contraption halfway between a chair and a table. Steel bands held her down against it, and she shook them helplessly, trying to glance around the rest of the room for some hope of escape.

She felt herself beginning to hyperventilate, and she tried to calm down, reminding herself that it was bad for the baby, but the reality of her situation was sinking in and she was terrified.

A beeping sound behind her started to go off and she tried harder to turn and see what it was, straining her wrists against the steel holdings, hurting her wrists with the effort but desperate to see what that noise was.

The doors facing her SWOOSHED open within seconds of the beeping and she turned to see the red-haired man from before, recalling his presence outside her cottage as they had opened fire on it, burning it to the ground within minutes while she screamed for her mother as Kylo holding her back from running inside.

"Serela? Is that right?" he asked her.

She didn't look at him. Although she wasn't sure where Kylo was, she knew he couldn't be far. These were his people, they must be, therefore it must be a mistake that she had ended up in here. Kylo would set it right soon, and then he would come for her.

"You're probably wondering where Kylo Ren is," he suggested offhandedly, and watched as her eyes met his finally.

"Well," he started, drawing out the word in such a way that it was clear he thought talking to her was beneath him.

Then why come here and explain anything at all.

"You see, Kylo Ren is in a lot of trouble because of you."

Her heart sped up, the sick feeling in her stomach returning with a vengeance as he paced around her.

"You see, Kylo was supposed to convert you, bring you over to our side. But he failed."

She laid her head back against the headrest, suddenly feeling so exhausted and nauseous that she had to close her eyes, that was until she felt his hands on her.

"He was suppose to convert you to the Dark side," he murmured, lifting the hem of her shirt to lightly rub her stomach, "Instead he got you pregnant." He gave a tsk tsk noise at that, then leered at her with a smile, "Not really part of his orders you see."

Serela felt even more sickened at the feeling of his clammy hand on her belly, and she worried that she might actually vomit while strapped to this thing if they didn't let her go.

"Please," she finally spoke, "Please, let me off of this, I need to be able to move, it's not good for the baby."

"What makes you think I care two shits about what is good for Kylo Ren's bastard?"

He moved his face in close to hers, relishing how she shook in fear at his close proximity, "But that's right, you're a bastard yourself aren't you Serela?"

Hux reached into a pocket in his uniform jacket and pulled out a paper. "Serela of Takodana," he read, "Born to Reha of Takodana, no husband of record."

He folded the paper back up and replaced it in the pocket where he had pulled it from, then leaned back in with his mouth directly next to her ear, his hot breath only increasing her urge to vomit, "It says no father of record," he hissed, "So who is your father Serela of Takodana? What man poked your whore of a mother long enough to give her a child to raise in the wilderness of the Outer Rim? Who is he?"

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