XX. The Goodbye

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Phasma followed him down the hallway, allowing him to lead as he took the series of rights and lefts that led to the interrogation room she had been placed in.

When he finally walked in, the SWOOSH of the doors noticeably startled her, lying on the interrogation table now in a horizontal position, and she started to shake, looking at the door in a mix of fear and apprehension.

"It's me," he said without emotion, trying to ignore the rapid beating of his heart at seeing her like this and the overwhelming urge to rip the restraints off of her, then run out as fast as he could carry her to the landing bay.

But the mechanical breathing sound of Phasma behind him in the doorway reminded him without words that would be the most foolish thing he could do. He wouldn't even get her out of the restraints without being shot, for in his heart, he already knew that his unborn child held more promise in Snoke's eyes than himself, and if made to choose between the two it would be no choice at all.

Removing his helmet, Kylo strode over to stand beside her. Serela's eyes, red from crying, looked up at him pleadingly and she reached for his hand, which he gave her, but when she squeezed it for reassurance he could not squeeze it back.

Wishing that Phasma would give them the decency of a little privacy, Kylo nonetheless bent his head down low so they could speak softly, at least somewhat reducing their risk of being overhead here on a ship where everyone already knew their business.

"Hi," she whispered, her voice sounded hoarse. It was then he noticed a red mark on her cheek that looked like it had come from a hard slap. Looking down on the floor, he also noticed the puddle of sick still lying there where Hux had left it when he stormed out, opting to leave her in the room with the smell of it until she was moved to her permanent quarters.

"Who did this to you?" he cradled her face in his free hand, his thumb absently rubbing her cheek in silent affection.

He was so desperate for her to know how much he cherished her, how much the news he was about to deliver was just as crushing to him as it would be to her.

"The man with red hair came by to visit me," she answered him, and watched his face shift from concern to anger at the words. She had just given him all the information he needed as explanation for her injuries.

His eyes glazed over with hatred, "He did this to you?" he seethed through gritted teeth, already planning how he would repay him in full for today's events. It was one thing to target Kylo himself, but to go after the mother of his unborn child to get to Kylo... he would make him suffer relentlessly.

Serela's eyes watered again with the memories of Hux's assault, and hestroked her forehead, cursing himself not for the last time for bringing all of this on her. The vision he had never asked to see years ago had obsessed him in his quest to find her, but here now he had destroyed her life in so doing.

"My mother..." she began to say, but stopped when the fresh tears came, a strangled sob caught in her throat and threatening to tear its way out of her. Tears spilled out of her eyes finally like a dam being unleashed.

"Shhhh," he tried to comfort her, but she broke down crying right there on the table, her arms and legs still bound with him trying to console her.

"She's gone!" Serela moaned again and again through her heavy sobs, "She's gone, she's gone, she's gone!"

"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear, but the action reminded her of Hux's lewd threats and she stiffened, turning her head away.

Startled by her response, Kylo gently turned her head back towards him and studied her face. Her normally bright eyes were dimmed here in this fluorescent lighting, her whole body seemed to sag against the table lifelessly, as if her will to live were draining away from her with every moment she was trapped in here.

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