XVII. The Choice.

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It had been 3 weeks since he had been to see her now, 3 weeks away from the warmth of her smile and her arms. Now though, he wasn't sure she would ever be able to look at him the same if he returned.

He glanced in the mirror at the deep red scar cut across his face just under his right eye. The evidence that he had lost in his battle with Rey, the girl captured in the pursuit of the droid, who had now escaped as well and was probably on her way to Luke Skywalker at this moment, perhaps already there.

The familiar urge to destroy something rose in his heart, but he relented, not having the energy to act destructively when he was so desperate to get back to Serela, to see her and hold her and make love to her again.

Recovery from his injuries was what had kept him away for so long, and he knew he had to get back soon somehow or she would be worried. The morning his doctor finally cleared him to leave the infirmary he had strode out with such haste they had all cowered in fear, worried he would see his face and try to repay the same look onto all of them.

Instead he went straight to his rooms, avoiding contact with anyone in the hopes of making a quick getaway. Likely, no one knew he was being released this morning, as the doctor had projected another week of recovery until he'd felt Kylo's invisible fingers around his neck and changed the timeline to 2 days. If Kylo could just get away for a few hours, he could see her and get back before anybody noticed.

Changing into a fresh set of his black robes, and donning his mask, he hurried down the hallways and corridors toward the aircraft landing bay, deliberately avoiding the eye contact with the few people he came in contact with. He took nothing else with him save for his lightsaber, it would be a short trip and he had not intention of arousing suspicion by looking as if he was packing for an overnight visit.

When he finally came to his familiar TIE fighter he walked in like he did not plan to be disturbed, as if daring anyone to say something to him.

Most of the stormtroopers milling around noticed him and seemed to bring their heads closer together to discuss his unexpected presence, but he marched up to the ship without any impediment and climbed up, situating himself in moments as the surrounding troopers looked on in curiosity.

"Isn't Lord Ren still in the infirmary?"

"Maybe he was released today."

"What on earth could be so important that he would immediately leave the second he was released?"

Their questions went unanswered as the TIE fighter slowly hummed and then rose, levitating in the air for a few moments before whizzing out, transferring to light speed the second it passed the safe boundaries around the base.

Within moments everyone was back to work, speculating amongst themselves as to where he had gone and why. None of them saw the shadow and burnt orange hair of General Hux watching from one of the doorways, surveying Kylo's clandestine escape with a smile.

  ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

After pulling out of lightspeed, Kylo watched as the familiar green and blue surface of Takodana appeared before him, wisps of clouds coating the atmosphere as he started to descend towards Serela's cottage.

He landed the fighter a little further away than normal, wanting to surprise her with his arrival after so many weeks away. It occurred to him too late that after such a long period away, he ought to have brought her a gift. Inwardly cursing himself at his thoughtlessness, he stopped along the way to pick a few wildflowers as a recompense for his absence.

A feeling of overwhelming peace came over him as the cottage came into view. There was the smoke rising from the chimney and Reha's flower bed adorning the front. In spite of the still lingering pain from his recovery, he smiled at the tranquility here, the only place he was able to find moments of peace within himself.

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