XXIV. The Reunion

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A gradual camaraderie began to form between Serela and Phasma after the day she'd toured the ship and seen Kylo in his comatose state in the medical bay. Whether it was because a genuine affection for Serela was growing in Phasma or because both women were so completely bored staring at 4 walls all day was hard to tell. Either way, Serela welcomed the change.

Phasma began to answer many of her questions now, glad of the ability to talk again instead of remaining silent most of the day. Her tone was never animated or friendly, but Serela noted that she wasn't sure if it was possible to sound either of those when wearing a helmet.

One day, after Serela had eaten breakfast and they were waiting for the physician to come by and take her vitals, Serela plucked up the courage to ask Phasma something she had been wondering for months.


Silence, these days she knew that meant to go ahead and ask.

"What do you look like? Under your helmet I mean?"

"Much like any normal human being. Two eyes and ears, a nose and a mouth."

"Do you ever let anyone see you without your mask?"


"Why is that?"

Taking a deep breath, which Serela was afraid meant she had grown impatient with her questions again, Phasma began to tell Serela of her childhood and adolescence spent living in the shadow of a sister much too beautiful to compete with, but also much too wonderful to hate.

When the First Order had come to her planet in search of youth to recruit as trainee stormtroopers, Phasma had seized her chance to be free and was the first one there the morning they were able to register.

This had finally allowed her to leave behind her family, including her militaristic father, who had openly hoped that his 2nd child would be a boy, only to be saddled with another daughter, whom he had little time or patience for with the rare exception being times that he wanted someone to take hunting with him.

Although Phasma had been young when she was recruited, 15 or so she remembered, her sister had been 6 years older. The year before she left Phasma had watched her secure a fine society marriage into one of the galaxy's ancient houses, the Vandrons, and birth her first child, a daughter, named Tierney.

Serela listened to Phasma recount in grisly detail how her mother had allowed her to be present at the birth, watching the gore with a mix of horror and fascination.

When her niece was born and placed in her arms for the first time, Phasma told Serela she knew that she would never be a mother herself, but that she would do everything in her power, for the rest of her life, to ensure the protection of this tiny, innocent creature. Tierney had been 6 months old when Phasma left; she had never seen her again.

Sensing there was an even sadder ending to this story, Serela opted to wait silently and see if Phasma would offer the rest of it voluntarily. After a few quiet minutes she did.

"Her husband was a Senator of the New Republic," Phasma finally explained, "They had been living on Hosnian Prime, one of the 5 planets in the Hosnian system we destroyed the day Lord Ren first saw you on Takodana."

Serela's face went ashen, "They destroyed the planet with your sister and family on it?"

"My sister and her husband were enemies of the First Order. The government they were a part of gave support to our enemies, the Resistance, and for their treachery they paid with their lives. Such a sacrifice was necessary for the good of our cause," her tone did not sound convincing.

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