Chapter 15 part 1

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Lil pov

After what felt like hours of being squished together in the car we finally made it to the mall. The whole way here felt like hell. Q kept yelling, Derrick kept farting and Tori was quiet for the most part besides when he was yelling at Derry for pooting other then that he was quiet. Me on the other hand I kept the aux cord. Anyways when we walked into the the mall I was making sure I hit up all the stores I needed to for Christmas presents and of course the stores for myself .
Q: Damn lil I said meet back right here at 3 it's 3:45 what tf you was you trying to do buy up the mall?
L: first off I was doing some Christmas shopping,and getting some stuff just for myself.
Q:yea whatever I just know we need to hit up three more places before we head back to the house for our movie night.
After we left the mall we went skating and was that a funny site . Derrick bust his ass about 9 times, Q was cussing and yelling as always he tried to fight some guy cause he said I had a nice ass which really didn't bother me cause I wasn't paying him any mind,and Tori was ready to kill Derrick cause every time he fail he would hold on to Tori. After we left we went to eat and then headed to Walmart for some Snacks each of us had at least three bags full of junk. The whole way back Quinton was lecturing me about what I wore and how he hope I caught a cold , and if wasn't for me he wouldn't have had to get in the argument wit the guy from the skating rink. When got back to my place I hurried up and got all my stuff and got the hell out the car cause he was working my nerves.
Q: lil quit slamming my damn door
L:shut the hell up you been working my nerves the entire way back.
D: would y'all stop arguing. It makes me upset when I see you argue *crys fake tears*
T:shut yo dumb ass up
Q: shut up D damn sound like a little ass kid.
D: both of y'all can kiss my ass
I left them down stairs yelling while I went to get the wrapping paper and change into my pajamas on my way back down I made sure to grab my charger and Bluetooth speakers. When u walked into the living room they were in there watching tv.
L:ayyy!!! Can y'all come help me wrap presents?
L:fine let's see if y'all eat or get something for Christmas!
Q: Aight damn here we come!
L:That's what I thought.
This gone be one long ass night !

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