Chapter 12

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Lilian pov

When I opened the door I expected it to be the pizza man but instead it was the last person I wanted to see. It was Quinton, standing there on his phone with my pizza in hand. When he finally realized the door was open he looked up at me.
Q: Hey lil
L: Q why are you here
Q: (walks in and closes door) what you mean? I came to see you.
L:(follows Q in the kitchen) Q you know what I mean. I told you I think that we should take a break from this friendship.
Q:Lil I told yo ass that I didn't want to do it . The argument wasn't even that damn serious, and I wouldn't have to pop up on yo ass if you didn't change yo number and the locks.
L: Q it's not about what you want I did what I felt like was best for me, and I changed my number and locks because you kept blowing up my phone ,and because i knew you would just pop up over here like now.
Q:look lil I don't want talk about this right now just grabbed the food so we can watch some movies.
L: No! Q! We gone talk about it now! I said I want a break so just leave!
Q: (stern voice) Lil if I was you I would lower my voice ,and I mean lower it right now.
L: (gets in his face ) Q! Don't tell me WHAT THE FUCK TO DO! This is my house I pay the fuckin bills and if I want to yell I will !
Q: Lil get the fuck out my face , and go calm yo ass down Now!
L: Don't talk to me like I'm a fuckin child! ( pushes him).
Q: Lil!  Don't put yo damn hands on me! (Pushes her back)
L: ( back hits the corner of the counter), (falls and cry) ouch! (Holds back)
Q:(try's to help her up) Lil I'm sorry
L: No! Q! I hate you ! Just go!
Q: lil I'm sorry (picks her up)
L: fuck your sorry! Put me down and get out!.

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