Chapter 18

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(Christmas day/Christmas Breakfast)

Lilian pov

I woke up around 6 am to cook Breakfast, I know I know some of you are probably like why the hell you woke up so early? Will it is Christmas Day and I wanted to make a big breakfast and get started on dinner. Don't get me wrong I'm still mad about last night but for the sake of Christmas I'm trying to have the best attitude as possible. Once I'm done cooking I start to put the last finishing touches on the table, and just like kids on Christmas morning I hear a whole lot of noise upstairs then I hear someone fall.

D: ahh! Shit wtf! Tori!?
T: that's wtf you get for pushing me and waking me up out my sleep *grims Derrick * *continues to walk down stairs*
D*yells FUCK BOY!*
T: * Turns around* what was that?
D: I said Merry Christmas!
T: Lyin ass * walks into the kitchen * Hey lil
L: good morning! Tori , why y'all arguing this morning?
T:Because his ugly ass wanna wake me up early this morning acting like a big ass kid talking about some WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS!!!! *side eye D*
D: will excuse the hell out of me for trying to bring Christmas cheer
T: Christmas cheer these nuts in yo mouth
D:*gives him the middle finger* *walks up and raps arms around lil waist*  Hey Bae I see you put on something sexy for daddy *smacks her but*
L: Boy! These are my pajamas
D: you can still get this Dic- * gets cut off by Q*
Q: Nigga get tf off of her
D:* jumps * nigga where the hell you come from?
L: *rolls eyes* and fix her plate
Q:Good morning to you to lil
L: Hi Q
D: what the hell happen to y'all last night?
D: don't sound like nothing
T: nigga shut up and mind yo business
L: can we just eat so we can get the day goin already *looks over at Q on his phone*
Q: yea what she said. I got somewhere to be .
L* mumbles probably with Rhinestone *
Q: * looks at her* Probably
L: *walks out the kitchen* 

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