Run Away Bride - Bellarke

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It's Finn and Clarke's wedding day and Clarke is six weeks pregnant. Clarke isn't showing yet which she wasn't complaining about because she didn't want to be showing in her wedding photos, if she has any wedding photos to keep. But the baby isn't Finn's its Clarke's best friends, Bellamy. They have always had a romantic spark but never did anything until a few weeks ago, but they act like nothing ever happened.

"I can't do this Octiva.." Clarke said, Octavia doing her make up.

"Just calm down. Everything will be fine."

"Did Bellamy come?"

"Uhm.. no he...he didn't."

The rest of the time they remained in silence. Clarke going over her opinions.


"I do." Finn said.

"Do you, Clarke Griffin, take Finn Collins to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"...i i can't do this." Clarke said and ran out. Octavia following close behind calling her name.

Clarke quickly changed into the spare clothes she brought with her when Octavia walked in. "Clarke what are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I can't marry him"

"What? why not?"

"How can i marry someone i don't love?"

"....You don't."

"Can you take me to Bellamy's?"

"Yeah sure."

Octavia dropped her off at Bellamy's then left to explain to Finn what is going on, then plans to come back to check on Clarke.

Bellamy answered the door quickly surprised to see Clarke with her hair done and make up on. "What are you doing here Princess?"

"Not marrying Finn. Can i come in? I need to talk to you."

"Ohh uhh. Yeah sure whats up?"

"I told you pregnant, but i didn't tell you the complete truth."

"What are you talking about Clarke?"

"You are the father."

"Me? Are....are you sure?"

"Yes. Please don't be upset."

"Upset? Clarke i'm thrilled! I'm going to be a father! How did Finn take the news?"

"He doesn't know."

"Why aren't you marrying him?"

"I don't love him. Bellamy, i love you."

"I love you too Princess." Bellamy said leaning in to kiss her.

It was a sweet meaningful kiss.

After they broke the kiss they laid on the couch cuddling and they both fell asleep.

Octavia came back to see them asleep - she has keys. Carefully she woke Bellamy and said, "Bell, why don't you two go to your room and sleep more comfortable. I'll make dinner for when you both wake up. Don't worry about it."

He nodded in agreement too tired to argue and picked up Clarke bridal style taking her to his room where they both fell asleep for a few hours.

They woke up to the smell of Octavia's cooking. After they finished eating Clarke showered to wash out the hair spray and take off the make-up.

"Clarke I just realized where are you going to stay? I'd say you could stay with Lincoln and I but we just don't have the room." Octavia said.

"That's a good point. I don't know. My mom loves Finn so she probably doesn't like that I ran out like that so I doubt I could stay with my mom." Clarke said.

"Why is this even a question. You are staying here Princess, until we find a house that is."

"A house?" Octavia and Clarke said at the same time.

"Yeah, we need a nice house for our son to grow up in."

"Who said our baby is going to be a boy? Who said we aren't having a daughter?"

"Wait hold up. Clarke, I know you are pregnant, but the baby is Bellamy's?! WHAT?! HOW?!" Octavia said.

"Remember the party we had about a month ago?" Bellamy said.


"That's when."

"I made sure I was pregnant before doing anything with Finn."

"What are you going to tell Finn?"

"I don't know, I guess I didn't think of that part. When the baby is born i'll tell him."


Now nine months later Clarke and Bellamy's baby girl was born. They are sitting in the hospital room surrounded by friends and family, when Finn walked through the door.

"She's beautiful." Finn said quietly not to wake the sleeping baby. "Did you name her?"

"Yeah, we did. Her name is Aurora after my mom." Bellamy said.

"She looks just like you Bell." Clarke said.

Raven took Finn outside to talk and tell Finn the truth about Aurora's father while the recently engaged couple swoon over their daughter. Finn was heartbroken yet again by Clarke, but didn't show it for the sake of the child.


Clarke had insisted that her and Bellamy wait until Clarke lost all of the weight from having Aurora to have the wedding, so 13 months later they are happily married and very happy with their daughter. They have the ideal house and room for a second child which has recently become a topic of interest.

They both decided it was best to wait until Aurora was older, so now Aurora is six years old - they weren't planning on waiting so long but work became a lot and time just flew by - and their son Jake was born.

They have the perfect little family. They have two kids, a big house with a big backyard perfect for their new puppy Charlie, and a white picket fence. They both agree that Clarke running away from her wedding with Finn was the best thing that could have ever happened to them.

The End~ 

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